I was on a roll. For the first few days of this month I posted everyday, but I'm not sure what happened the past three days. I was bragging to Josh the other day telling him I was doing good keeping the blog updated. Psh. I guess I spoke too quickly.
Well... I guess I kind of have an excuse for my absence. I posted a picture of my first diaper cake on Facebook, and not too long after that I got a message from a friend asking me if I could make one for her great nephew. Um, yeah of course I would! I was so excited to have the opportunity to create another one, especially one for a little boy this time.
I have found a new hobby: making diaper cakes! I can't get enough of it! When I am finished with one I'm ready to get started on another. I love decorating and seeing the diaper cake come together. Now every time I'm out somewhere and see something cute I catch myself thinking, "Oh that would be perfect on a diaper cake." Somehow I refrain from spending money, but it's not easy!
Of course you know I can't just go on and on about it without some pictures, right?
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Ah! I just love that little monkey. Isn't it the cutest?
Speaking of monkeys, I have a little monkey of my own around here. A little monkey that is mischievous and silly! Earlier today I told Josh, "Noah is too quiet. He must be up to no good." And sure enough, look where I found Noah hiding today.
I caught you! His sweet smile sure does make up for his orneriness. He is so funny. I actually couldn't believe he crawled in there all by himself. What a independent little guy.
Guess what else Mr. Noah did today? He took his first step! And both Mommy and Daddy got to see him do it. Yay Noah! I'm thinking it isn't going to be long before he is chasing Einstein around the house. It will be good for Einstein though; he could stand to loose a few pounds.
Josh was on the computer this afternoon and he yelled at me to come see something. So I walked over to the computer and squealed (no pun intended--you'll see) with giddiness as I laid my eyes on this:

I know one thing for sure: my sister, Megan, is squealing over these "teacup pigs" too. Megan and I love anything that is "teacup." Teacup pugs, pigs; you name it, we like it. Are they not the cutest little piggies you've ever laid your eyes on? I can just imagine Noah swinging that little pig by his curly tail, so for the sake of the pig we better not get one. That, and the fact that they cost a whopping $1,100 each. If you want to read more about them, click here. The article is actually pretty interesting. Apparently they are pretty good pets, but with swine flu going around I'm sure there won't be too many purchased. Haha.
One last thing before I go: would you please lift my grandmother, Gigi, up in prayer. The day before yesterday she fell down a steep flight of stairs, and thankfully has no broken bones or internal injuries, but she is very very sore as you can imagine. Thank you so much!
Have a wonderful night!
One last thing before I go: would you please lift my grandmother, Gigi, up in prayer. The day before yesterday she fell down a steep flight of stairs, and thankfully has no broken bones or internal injuries, but she is very very sore as you can imagine. Thank you so much!
Have a wonderful night!
Wow, Libby, I praise God that your grandmother didn't have any broken bones, but I am so sorry that happened to her. Lord, please help Gigi to be feeling better very soon.
Me again! I would so love to cuddle one of those little piggies!
I guess I 'd better get my thoughts all collected next time and put them in one single post, huh? Congrats on Noah taking his first step!!! Way to go, Mr. N! Love that diaper cake! The monkey is so cute, and the colors are really pretty.
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