So, I'm gonna pretend I'm only a couple weeks late in posting about our Spring Break instead of a couple months. Oops! My mom and I decided it would be fun to go to the Lake House over Spring Break and have a girls + Noah weekend. And then my mom came up with the most wonderful idea ever and said, "Let's invite Nana to come along with us!" I'm so glad Nana ended up coming, because it wouldn't have been the same without her!
What a special weekend it was; we had such a wonderful time! I loved watching Noah and Nana spend time together. They built forts, read books, figured out mazes in an activity book, played pretend cooking, put together puzzles... it really brought me back to my childhood and all the fun times I had with Nana. It made my heart smile to watch her play with Noah in the same way she used to play with me.
The forecast for the weekend was rain and more rain, and that's exactly what happened. But we embraced the rain and enjoyed every minute of it. It wasn't going to stop us from having fun! We even got out in it and took Delilah ("Aunt Dewiwa") and Samson ("Sam Sam") for walks. And we sure took advantage of being indoors and did a lot of relaxing! It was wonderful!!
This was also the weekend I got my mom addicted to Draw Something. She always gives me a hard time now because I never get on and play any more. :) One evening we stayed up half the night playing that stupid game. There were a couple times I thought we were going to wake up Noah and Nana because we were laughing so hard at some of the drawings. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed that time with my mom.
One afternoon we attempted a photo shoot with the doggies and Noah. Yeah. Right. It's was like I was working with three children. :) I did love this picture though.

Noah loved every minute of our time at the Lake House. He got to ride in the golf cart with Mimi and Nana one afternoon. And on the last day Mimi planned a surprise egg hunt for Noah. Thankfully it was a beautiful day, so we were able to hide the eggs outside. Noah had the best time searching for the hidden eggs!

Mr. Noah standing with his little tree he planted last Christmas. It will be fun to watch both Noah and the tree grow taller over the years.
On our way back home, we stopped by to see Aunt Megan and her new bull dog puppy, Maggie. She was
the cutest thing I've ever seen; I couldn't get enough of her.
I mean, really, just look at that face.
Gah, she was adorable.
Noah loved Maggie too. They were so cute playing together.
And then Maggie's tooth accidently got stuck in Noah's sock and he thought she had bit him. After that, he wanted
nothing to do with her. Ha!
Noah finally forgave her though and said, "Maggie not eat Noah," and agreed to see her again at Matt's graduation. Anyway, it was really fun getting to see Maggie for the first time.
What a great Spring Break we had! We loved every minute of it.