We were sad to see the Bonjours go, but were also anxious to see Granddad and Mimi! My parents were here about noon on Friday, and since they had already eaten, they offered to watch Noah for Josh and me so we could have a mini-lunch date. Dates don't occur very often these days, so we gladly accepted the offer.
When we got back from eating, the boys went to the pool to swim while my mom and I ran to Hobby Lobby to browse around and to Target to get Noah some prunes. I don't think I have to tell you why Noah needed prunes. Poor baby. Let's just say the prunes definitely did their job. Whoa Mama!
Sadly, Josh had to work that night so he was not able be with us most of the evening. Granddad, Mimi, Noah, and I met my Uncle Bill and Aunt Cathy for some Mexican food at Abuelo's. You can't go wrong with Mexican food there. The food and time together was wonderful! Noah and I really enjoyed having my parents with us.
After our bellies were full, we went over to Bill and Cathy's house to hang out and play with their three labs. Yes, that's right. They have three labs! I don't know how they do it, but they are some of the sweetest labs I know. It was so funny because Lizzy (a.k.a. The Lizard) loved to lick Noah's face. By the end of the night Noah was covered in slobber, but he didn't mind. He loved being around the labs.
The next day we took Granddad and Mimi to Kincaid's (another one of our favorite places to eat) to grab a quick hamburger before they had to leave for the wedding. I think Josh and I must have gained at least 5 lbs that week from eating so much food.
We weren't sure if Granddad and Mimi would make it back in time to see us later that evening, but they did! They came over and we swam a little bit and just hung out together, and we had the best time! Thank you Mom and Dad for taking the time to come see us! We love you VERY much!
I'd say we had a full week, wouldn't you?

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