So that my orientation wouldn't go on for weeks on end, I agreed to work three twelve-hour shifts this week. I'm gonna be one tired girl, because working three twelve-hour shifts makes for a really loooonnnnggg week. But after my orientation is over, I will be able to have a pretty flexible schedule. And Josh, well, he gets to be a stay at home daddy this week. It will be a good time for him to rest up and spend some good quality time with Noah.
Remember the post about Noah pulling up on everything? Not long after he learned to pull up, he started cruisin'. And everyday he gets more comfortable with his ability to walk as he holds on to things. We have had a few falls and ouchies here and there, but nothing that can't be fixed with a hug and kiss. My baby is growing up! I know I say that a lot, but it's so true, and it's hard to believe that each day he gets a little bit closer to walking on his own. When Noah walks he just laughs and laughs; it's the most adorable thing ever.
Aw. Isn't he sweet? Well I better call it a night and get to bed. 5 am is gonna come way too quickly.

So sweet! Thanks for showing us this video! I wanna to hold him! :( But can't wait to see him the end week of Aug!
Oh I love it! I love his little laugh, he so proud of himself as he should be. I wondered how long it would be before your candle sticks on your coffee table got moved :) Tell Angie I get to hold him first! ;p
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