I am way, way behind on blogging, and I feel like I can't get caught up. Maybe I need to start posting twice a day. No, that wouldn't work. I definitely don't have time for that. Does anybody else feel this way?
Today I woke up with zero {and I mean zero} motivation to clean our apartment. It was a total wreck and in desperate need of some attention, but did I care? Nope, not one bit. Then a few hours later, I got a sudden surge of energy and decided I would turn this place around and clean the whole apartment. Yeah that didn't quite happen. But, I did make a lot of progress around here. I'm pretty proud of myself. Maybe {and that's a big, fat maybe} tomorrow I will finish it up.
How do you like our new blog layout? I'm lovin' the polka dots {so fun!}, but I'm not so sure about our blog header. It just doesn't feel like the one. Hm. What do you think?
I cannot believe I have not blogged about my trip to Jamaica yet! Hopefully things will start to settle down around here; we've been so busy. I plan on having a series of blog posts on Jamaica because there is no way I could share everything in one post. So, keep your eyes peeled. I promise I will get to it soon!
I recently won a giveaway {yes, another one!} from the Englar Family blog. I won the book "How to Bring You Children to Christ... & Keep Them There." I'm not a big book reader, but I am really excited about reading this book. My greatest desire for Noah is that he would wholeheartedly love and follow Jesus and that he would be a man after God's own heart. We as parents are responsible to teach our children about Christ; there is nothing more important. I can't wait to start this book. Who wants to borrow it after I finish it?
I can't believe we will be celebrating Noah's second birthday at the end of this month. My baby is growing up! Sniff, sniff. We really are looking forward to celebrating his big day with all of our family and friends. It will be a great day!
This is really random, but I still can't wait to see Toy Story 3. I think I need a date night with the mister. Who wants to babysit Noah for us?
It has been scorching hot here lately. My gosh. I definitely think August has been the hottest month so far this year. The cool fall weather cannot get here soon enough!
Noah has been very vocal lately; it is the cutest! I'm sure it won't be too much longer before he is talking away. Noah says {or tries to say}, "Night-Night," "NO" {to Einstein on a daily basis}, "What are you doing?" and "Well, Well, Well." This age is so much fun.
Did you see the diy tutorial I posted for fabric poms? If not, you must click here. They are so cute!
I have some exciting news to share with you about Mr. Noah, so come back tomorrow, okay?
I think that's it for now.
Thanks for listening.
Happy Friday, Libby! I know you called your post today "rambling," but I actually enjoyed hearing your random thoughts. It was fun! I think your blog heading and the big polka dots are very nice, but hey, I know ya gots ta please yourself! As an artsy crafter, I know I must get my projects "just so" and to my liking. So! If you are not happy, I know from experience that ya just gotta tweak. (But on this end, it is really cute!) Hmmm, I think I am rambling now . . . . :D
Where is the best place to buy those paper lanterns...cheap?! I don't feel like store hopping to find them so maybe you know?
I like the polka dots!
Hey! I love the new blog layout and I think your blog is fabulous. It's so hard to maintain that balance, don'tya think? Some days I want to go crazy and others, I'm feeling more optimistic about the juggle. The cleaning can wait, right? Unless (like me) it drives you crazy. The fact that your little one is turning 2 - celebrate that, play and have fun. Sometimes when I feel motivated, I whip out a few blog posts and schedule them or just do quick tidbits.
I'm so happy you won the book! I hope you enjoy it :)
I am in a blogging slump right now too. I am actually thinking of cutting back for a little while. I need to catch up on other things around the house and focus on packing. I hate to say it but I am also just getting burnt out with it! I'm sure I will take a break and get back into it when I'm ready.
I love your new layout! I think your banner could use a picture :)
That's so exciting Noah is turning 2! How do our little ones grow up so fast? I hope he has a fabulous birthday! Do you have any big plans?
Hope you have a great weekend!
Let me know what you think of the book! I just started Shepharding a Child's Heart. We can exchange reviews!
I made those pom poms with tissue paper for Saylor's 2nd birthday. They were super cheap and easy decorations. The fabric ones are super cute too and you could even make them permanent in a nursery or something!
Have a great weekend!
Me, me, me! I wanna borrow your book and baby-sit Noah! Give me two weeks and you can have your date night! Starting mid-Sept, I'll be off Monday nights too, so maybe that will work with your guys' schedule better.
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