I am going to learn how to sew!

Like learn to sew with a sewing machine!
And I could not be more excited!
Of course, it would be kind of stupid to go
out and buy myself a machine without seeing
first if I'm even going to like it.
Those suckers are expensive!!
I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm going to
enjoy it, but you never know.
Anyway, this evening, I typed {half joking} on my facebook status,
"I need a sewing machine. Does anyone happen to have
an extra one lying around the house?

And, holy moly, guess what?
One of my sweet friends, Kathy, whom I went
to Jamaica with sent me an instant message on facebook
tonight asking me if I was interested in learning to sew.
I told her I was indeed, and then I asked her if she sewed.
To my surprise, her answer was, "No. But I do have two sewing
I mean, seriously, how perfect is that?!
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Kathy for being so kind to lend me
your sewing machines.
I can't wait to get started!
Sew excited!!!
Like learn to sew with a sewing machine!
And I could not be more excited!
Of course, it would be kind of stupid to go
out and buy myself a machine without seeing
first if I'm even going to like it.
Those suckers are expensive!!
I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm going to
enjoy it, but you never know.
Anyway, this evening, I typed {half joking} on my facebook status,
"I need a sewing machine. Does anyone happen to have
an extra one lying around the house?
And, holy moly, guess what?
One of my sweet friends, Kathy, whom I went
to Jamaica with sent me an instant message on facebook
tonight asking me if I was interested in learning to sew.
I told her I was indeed, and then I asked her if she sewed.
To my surprise, her answer was, "No. But I do have two sewing
machines lying around the house that I really don't have
room for right now. Do you want to borrow them?"

"Um, yes! I totally would!"room for right now. Do you want to borrow them?"
I mean, seriously, how perfect is that?!
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Kathy for being so kind to lend me
your sewing machines.
I can't wait to get started!
Sew excited!!!
Sewing is so fun! My mom is a amazing seamstress and I finally got brave enough to try a year or two ago. Online tutorials are the best! Can't wait to see what you create! And once you're ready to purchase your own they really aren't all that expensive for a basic machine. I spent $100, but you don't even have to spend that much really.
Yay for Kathy! She beat me to it. The lady who has mine said it had a little sump'n sump'n on it that needed fixing, and I think she was going to try to get some friend or relative to fix it, but it might have been a bit of time before you got it. SO! I am glad the Lord provided one in a more pronto fashion!!! : D
Wow!! I plan to buy a sew machine to learn how to sewing! Ur lucky but I will get one we need together and have fun!! Proud of you!
That's very exciting! what a nice friend!!
Yay you!! I would LOVE to learn to sew... I seriously think about it all the time!
i cant wait to hear about it! my mother in law has a few machines so i'm hoping to get one from her some day when my spare rooms are all organized :) keep me posted chica!
That's awesome! They have online sewing classes that sound really cool and easy. I almost did one but then couldn't when I heard we were moving. The one I was thinking of doing was through a blog. Here's the link if you want to check it out http://frecklednest.blogspot.com/2010/07/home-ec-full-details-registration.html
Good luck with everything! Can't wait to see what you make :)
Playing around with sewing myself...not to mean that I am going to actually sew myself up or anything, but you know what I mean. : ) I go tmy machine kind of the same way...asked a friend if I could go to her house and use her machine and she gave it to me because she had gotten a new one! Whooo-hooo! Let the projects begin!
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