January 30, 2012

3 Years of Blogging + a Giveaway!

This week I'm celebrating *three* years of blogging!
 I thought it would be fun to party with a couple giveaways!
First up is one of my favorite little shops: Fountain Top Creations!

Mary makes the cutest hats ever. She's made Noah three
or four already, and I just can't get enough of them! I especially
love the sock monkey hats she has started making. Oh my!
They're so stinkin' cute!


Mary recently sent me pictures of her precious little Hailey
wearing the girly girl version of the sock monkey hat.
Don't you just love the little flower?!


And here are all the different color combos she offers:


Mary is generously giving away *one* sock monkey hat!
Want to win one? Here's what you gotta do:

1. Check out Mary's shop here and then leave a comment
telling me which color combo you'd choose if you won!

Want to better your chances of winning?

2. Visit Mary's crochet blog and become a new follower.
Leave me a comment letting me know you're now following along.

3. Tweet or facebook this:
Win a free sock monkey hat via The Bonjour Family
Come back and let me know you linked this giveaway.

4. Follow my blog! Then leave another comment letting
me know you're a new follower or already follow.

Giveaway details:
Open to anyone in the United States
Winner can choose any color combo and size
Giveaway ends Friday, February 3rd at 9pm (CST)
One winner will be chosen at random

You have four chances to win. Good luck!



Cindy @ Cinsarah said...

I love the little girl one!! so cute!! Combo #1!!

Katie Hill said...

Love reading your blog!! These are so adorable! Love, love combo #6. So cute!!

Larissa said...

so cute! i love her items! i like #5 combo.

Erica Nye said...

I like combo #5 and I do follow your blog

jillian sara said...

oh.my.goodness! Mr. Noah is so adorable! I would want color combo #1 if I win. I hope I do!!!

jillian sara said...

I follow Mary's blog now! I would love to learn to crochet!

jillian sara said...

I am DEFINITELY a follower of your blog! ;-)

Annie said...

I would choose #2! They're so cute!!!

Annie said...

I'm a follower! :)

Shannau said...

Noah is on Mary's Etsy page!!! How cute! I'd go with #5- we love purple around here!!
shanna.u at gmail dot com

Shannau said...

Following Mary's blog!
shanna.u at gmail dot com

Shannau said...

tweeted this giveaway ! https://twitter.com/#!/shannau/status/164363010360606721
shanna.u at gmail dot com

Shannau said...

I am already following your blog.
shanna.u at gmail dot com

Rachel said...

Love Mary's Hats :) I would choose number #5!!

Rachel said...

Follow you!!

Lindsey Jo said...

i follow you. hook a sister up.

Lindsey Jo said...

and i put it on my facebook!

Lindsey Jo said...

and i want that tan, white, and red one that noah's wearing. then isaac and noah can be matchy matchy! :)

Libby's Life said...

Oh I'd definitely choose color combo #3! Love the dark with the red! :)

Libby's Life said...

I am now a follower of her blog!

Libby's Life said...

I tweeted about this!

Libby's Life said...

And of course I follow your blog! Love your blog :)

Amy said...

I would pick the boy hat!

So cute!

mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

Amy said...

follow your blog

mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

Amy said...

following Mary's blog!

mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

Amy said...

tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Mammaliciousmom/status/164393696027082752

mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

Combo #1 for the girly version is adorable. I like #5 too :).

Jennifer said...

I follow your blog.

Jennifer said...

I follow Mary's blog too. She makes the cutest things and her daughter is adorable.

Sherry said...

I would choose combo 3. What a cute hat!

Sherry said...

I follow Mary's blog!

Sherry said...

I also now follow your blog! :)

Larissa said...

I follow your blog

Larissa said...

I follow Mary's blog too.

Unknown said...

Noah is such a cute model!
I love color combo #3!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

Love your blogs, Libby! They are very uplifting at times. I find them, funny, prayerful, puzzling, cute, and down right lovable. I'd like to enter the contest for Emmy. Emily would like #6. She loves pink. Keep blogging! -cj

Candy M said...

Such cute hats! Thanks for the chance to win. Now, to narrow it down to one color combo... I'd have to close my eyes and pick between 1, 5 or 6.

Unknown said...

2. I follow Mary's blow now

Unknown said...

3. I facebooked your giveaway :)

Unknown said...

4. I've been following your blog forever!

Unknown said...

1. I'd pick #2 for my son, he loves hats!

Jo said...

Great giveaway. Oh my goodness... it's so hard to choose a color, but I think I would choose #2 (or #3, haha).

Jo said...

I follow Mary's blog. :-)

Jen said...

I follow Mary's blog :) so fun!

Jen said...

I LOVE combo #1 for Miss Sophie :)

Jen said...

I shared a link on FB :)

Jen said...

...and of course I already follow your blog sweet friend! LOVE it :) Thanks for the giveaway! PICK ME!!!

Jo said...

I am now following your blog.

Hot Mess Mami said...

I love Combo #6!!

Hot Mess Mami said...

A long time follower of yours!! I love your Blog... :)

Amy said...

I love combo #1!

Amy said...

I'm following Mary's blog!

Amy said...

And I of course have been following your blog for a long time now.

Diane said...

I'm now following Mary's blog!

Diane said...

I'm now following your blog :)

Mom and Dad said...

The purple one is my favorite!

Mom and Dad said...

I am a new follower, but this isn't the last time I'll visit -- love your ideas!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

Would love a hat for my new little man!!! Love combo 4, just like the picture!! So adorable!!