And so tonight I would like to share some of the things you are doing right now, so one day we can look back and remember you at this sweet, precious age.
1. You love blueberries. I think in the past month I've bought 3 bags of blueberries, and you are finishing up bag number 3.
2. You are looking more and more like your handsome daddy everyday.
3. You are starting to chuckle and it is the cutest thing I've ever heard. It makes your Mommy and Daddy laugh every single time.
4. Mr. Noah, you are still very determined to get into Einstein's water bowl because you love to splash his water all over the kitchen floor.
5. You have 7 teeth already!
6. You have become very interested in the trash can the past couple of days. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
7. You have started to clap your hands together, and it is so very sweet!
8. Noah, Noah, Noah, you will only eat bananas if Mommy hides them in your peanut butter sandwich; otherwise, you leave every single banana untouched on your highchair table.
9. You enjoy very much pouring large amounts of water outside the bathtub. Einstein thanks you though.
10. You are starting to sign a couple of words, and when you do Mommy gets very excited about it and starts clapping and jumping up and down.
11. You laugh at yourself every time you sneeze, and it's so funny when you do that.
12. You have started this new break dance move every time your Daddy gets home from work, and it is hilarious! Let's show off some of your dance moves, shall we?
13. You love to hide things... especially balls. The other day I was getting a cooking pot out, and what do I see? Your big blue ball hidden away with all the pots and pans. But the best example I have is when I opened the fridge and found one of your mini basketballs sitting there. Who knows when you put it there and how long it had been chilling in there. You are a sneaky little guy.
14. And last, but not least, you are starting to climb on just about everything. I walked out of the kitchen for a minute, and when I came back I found you right here {the dishwasher door was closed when I left too}:
It is so funny how they grow and develop! Josephine turned 14 months today. She has several of the same "habits" that Noah has apparently. The one that made me laugh though was the one about the trash. Josephine has been really interested in the kitchen trash for a few weeks now. The others haven't caught her attention yet, but I'm sure they will. Where do they get this stuff? It's not like I play with the trash ever, neither do you I assume. HA!
That's so funny! Remind me of my kids when they were Noah's age! Sure do Miss our best memories! I wish I had this Blog in my 1990's!! So I can post while they were babies/ toddlers! :( But glad I have this my own Blog!
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