What an active little guy we have around here! I'm not lying when I say Noah is ALL over the place. Needless to say, we have had to baby proof the house. And let me tell you, those stupid plug covers are almost impossible to get out once they are in there. We decided to spend an extra dollar or two to buy some fancy plug covers with a button that helps pop them out. Of course, it probably won't be long before Noah figures out how to press that button. Oh the joys of baby proofing!
One evening I was giving Noah a bath, and he was having fun as usual playing with his rubber ducky and plastic cup. All of a sudden I looked up and saw the little ducky and cup floating at the end of the tub. Noah had enough of those boring toys.
It was time to explore! Noah began to pull himself up to his knees and even up on his feet as he held on to the side of the tub. Let's just say, since that night rubber ducky and the plastic cup haven't been as interesting as they use to be. Pulling himself up on the side of the tub is WAY more fun!
Here are a few pictures I have taken over the past month of Noah pulling himself up to his knees. What a little sweetie pie!
I guess chewing on the wood feels good on his teeth?
Hmmm... I wonder what's in here?
"Mommy, look what I found!"
Pulling up is not always as easy as it seems.
But with a little determination, it can be done!

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