What a great year we have had! Here are my favorite moments and blog posts from 2010.
1. Hosted my first linky party this year. It was fun! Thanks to each one of you who linked up and participated. I loved reading about all of your wonderful family traditions! If you missed it, you can click here to read everyones Christmas traditions and start planning for next year.
2. Vacationed in beautiful Mexico with Josh. It was perfect. We are already planning our next adventure!
3. Noah didn't like Santa this year, but Josh did.
4. I started a new blog. It is a collection of all things that inspire me on a daily basis. Are you following along? Hope so!
6. Noah was involved with his very first Christmas Program this year. Have you seen the video? Oh goodness, it is cute!
8. Noah turned two this year. Sigh.
9. Need a little help with your blog? Check out the tutorials I posted this past year. And for those of you who have used one or two or several of them, I hope you found them very helpful!
10. I met the fabulous Bakerella in Dallas this past October! And I gave away one of her signed Cake Pop books! Definitely one of my favorite giveaways!
11. I made my first batch of homemade play-dough {super easy!} and Noah loved playing with it.
12. Noah dressed up as Buzz Lightyear for Halloween this year. It was his first year to go door to door; he loved it! Really, I think Mommy and Daddy loved it just as much as he did. What fun we all had!
13. I got creative and made some printables this year. Hope you enjoyed them!
14. I signed up for Home Ec, so I could teach myself how to sew. I have loved every minute of it! Some of my favorite projects were the tote bag, the NoNo Monster, and the gift pouch.
16. My sister got married this year! Many thanks to the wonderful, Chriselda, for giving Abby memories she will be able to look back on forever.
17. Experienced my first Black Friday. Was it worth it? Nope, don't think so.
18. My favorite post about Einstein and Noah. And this one is definitely runner up!
20. My submitted picture to the iheartdesserts challenge was picked top ten! Such an exciting moment for me!
21. God provided.
22. Did you know my hubby holds the title of "Oreo eating champion?"
23. I had the amazing opportunity to go to Jamaica on a mission trip this past summer; what a blessing it was to be a part of God's work there. I'm embarrassed I've only posted this about the trip, but regardless if I end up posting about it or not, it was a life experience that will always be etched in my heart. And guess who is leading a group to the same place I went this past Summer? Josh! So excited for him!
24. Sorry ladies, he's all mine!
25. I was nominated for i am mommy's "Awesomest Overall Blog" award! We were so very close all the way to the end, but ended up in second place. What an honor, regardless! Thank you for all of your votes and support our little ol' blog.
26. Snow? In Fort Worth?
27. Noah transitioned to a toddler bed! So proud!
28. What fun we had at Mayfest this year! Definitely want to make it a family tradition.
29. How could I forget? Still makes me cringe just thinking about it.
30. Josh's one post this entire year. He got busted!
31. I have made so many amazing blogger friends this past year and I am so thankful for each one of you!
Happy New Year Everyone! The countdown begins...