Einstein is a bottomless pit. A porker. A glutton for food. I think you get my point. Oh yes, this pug can put it away. Everyday Einstein wanders around {wearing an "I'm starrrving" expression on his face} hopelessly in search for food or any kind of scrap that we might have dropped. It's pitiful, and often it's very annoying. But Noah understands Einstein. He knows the way to a pug's heart is through his stomach. Today Noah did the sweetest thing for Einstein; it's as if he said, "Don't worry Einstein, I know you're hungry, and I've got your back."
I just love it. How sweet is that video?! Brings a smile to my face every time I watch it.
Einstein is thinking, "hmmm...maybe if i just stay right here, he'll keep feeding me and i won't have to move a single inch!" lol!! so cute! wow! i can't believe how big Noah is getting! i miss him so much!!!!!
Awww...what a good brother Noah is to Einstein!! That is ADORABLE!! Love how Noah feeds so many pieces to Einstein before taking a few for himself.
Einstein is thinking, "hmmm...maybe if i just stay right here, he'll keep feeding me and i won't have to move a single inch!" lol!! so cute! wow! i can't believe how big Noah is getting! i miss him so much!!!!!
That is the sweetest thing! They are such good pals! I can't wait for Grace to have a little companion like that.
he is so cute... i love this video..
Einstein is Noah's favorite brother because Noah can give candy to Einstein!! Ha SO CUTE!
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