Today I saw these funny pictures of what it's like to co-sleep with your baby/toddler, and Josh and I got a good laugh out of them because most of them are so true. Noah is a wild sleeper, so there are nights that get pre-tty uncomfortable. Snow Angels, H is for Hell, and Donkey Kong are three positions we often find ourselves in when Noah crawls in bed with us. But we wouldn't change it for anything; he's only little for so long. I know someday I'll miss these restless (and sometimes very uncomfortable) nights.

*images from howtobeadad.com
Could not stop laughing!!! Oh my goodness! This is the story of our lives! I had no idea "neck scarf" had a name, but I certainly recognize it! Except for "stalker" and "not speaking", we've done very single one of these this last week! I am so gonna have to steal this (with due credit ofc!).
ha.ha i remember those days. :)
Hahahahahah! I couldn't stop laugh at those pictures!
LOL!!! I so remember those days, I know with both of my girls my husband and I have slept in all those pictured positions.
H is for Hell is probably my favorite. I bet it's so comfy for Noah though, perfectly squashed between you two!
oh too funny! love the last one.
swap Noah for my chocolate lab, Dutch and this just about sums it up! :)
This is what happens when the pug sleeps with us. haha
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