So the last week or two I haven't
been great about posting iPhone pics.
It's time to play a little catch up
because it's real easy to get behind!
Our perfect little pumpkin!
Kisses from Mommy while waiting
for our lunch at Panera Bread!
About a week before Halloween, Noah got in the
mail the cutest trick-or-treat bag from his Mimi.
Ya'll, my mother is amazingly talented.
She sewed the bag using burlap and then used
stencils and black paint to make a pumpkin
face on one side of the bag and the words
trick-or-treat on the other side.
And she filled it with a bunch of yummy goodies!
Noah loved digging through the bag pulling out
all the fun things Mimi had sent him.
Noah all bundled up and ready to take his
first ride in our new jogging stroller
{which I totaaaally love}.
Noah's first time to clean out a pumpkin!
Helping Daddy carve the pumpkin.
Such a fun night!
A cute little pumpkin Noah painted
at Mother's Day Out.
Sunday naps are the best!
My iPhone was looking pretty pitiful
after I'd accidently dropped it on the
ground and shattered the glass.
Turns out to be the best thing I could have
done because Josh ordered me a white iPhone
replacement cover and put it on all by himself.
{It's a crazy complicated process replacing the screen and
back cover of the iPhone... I don't know how he does it!}
Yay for my smart techy hubs!
Messy little chocolate face!
So the other day at Target Noah and I
somehow ended up in the bra section.
And while we were walking through the aisles,
Noah did something that surprised me, but
I thought it was totally adorable and it brought
a smile to my face each time he did it.
He would pick out a bra and then
he'd walk up to me and say,
"Try the red one Mommy."
"Try the purple one."
He came up to me several times
asking me to try on a specific color.
It was too cute!
Diggin' the checkered shades Noah. :)

Noah in a hat? What a surprise. :)
We got to spend some time with Noah's great
grandmother, Nanny, while she was in town
to watch the Rangers play in the World Series.
We ate some yummy Mexican food and ran a couple
errands with her. We all had a great afternoon together
and we were so happy to have the chance to see her!
Noah giving one of his Veggie Tale customers a trim.
from his great Uncle Rich and Aunt Sherri
{and Madison and Taylor too!} while they
were in town visiting this past weekend.
Thanks ya'll! He totally loves it!
Last weekend Noah and I got spend Saturday with some
of our family from Oklahoma, including my cousin, Brandon,
whom we haven't seen in a very long time. He will be going
to Korea this December, so my Nana planned a little
get together in Fort Worth to surprise him
and spend some time with him before he leaves.
We loved our time with everyone
and had a blast at the Stockyards.
Thank you Nana, Roger, Rich, Sherri, Taylor,
Madison, and Brandon for the fun times!
Uh oh! Somebody got in trouble!
Noah was begging to ride the mechanical bull at
the Stockyards, and the nice guy running the ride
let Mr. Noah sit on it for a couple minutes.
He loved it, and was not a happy
camper when he had to get off.
I could have watched
Nana & Roger
dance all night long.
They're so cute together!