Some of your favorite phrases/words lately are: "That's okay." "Get out of the way!" {a line from Toy Story}, "See ya!" "Let's go." "Let's go, Daddy!" "Woody" and "Buh" for Buzz. It's such a joy to hear that sweet little voice of yours! Some new signs you've learned lately are: "monkey" "blanket" "donut" "open" "boy" "girl" "flag" and many others I'm not thinking of right now.
Your favorite movies right now are Toy Story {all three of them!} and Despicable Me.
You love to sleep in bed with Mommy and Daddy. We were adamant from the beginning you would sleep in your own bed, but somehow you managed to wiggle your way in. But I have to admit, I sure do love having you to snuggle with when your Daddy is working the night shift.
You love the Woody and Buzz Lightyear action figures your grandparents got you for Christmas. They sleep with you every night and go almost everywhere you go. Tonight, you insisted they sit with you in your highchair while you ate dinner. Funny guy!
You have used your little potty twice! Yay Noah! We are so proud of you. Maybe, just maybe, you will be potty trained by the time you turn three?? If not, that's okay. We will just keep on practicing until you get it.
You love to point to your {and everyone else's, including Einstein's} nose, eyes, ears, belly button, and toes {a.k.a your piggies} and practice saying each of them.
I have to say, you are quite a challenge these days. Hellooo Terrible Two's. I thought caring for you when you were a baby was a challenge. Ha. That was nothin'! Learning to be consistent with you and follow through with discipline has been one of the hardest things I've had to learn to do as a parent. I am definitely learning patience!
I think if we let you, you'd run around naked all the time. You throw a fit when you have to put clothes on, and it hasn't taken you long to figure out how to take them off again {especially your shirt and socks!}. Most nights, you go to bed with just a diaper on. That is a battle I just don't want to fight at the end of the day.
You have become quite the picky eater lately. But one thing you will never turn down is a hamburger. Definitely one of your favorite foods! Some other foods you like right now are mandarin oranges, bagels, chips and queso, Special K cereal, cubes of cheese, ham, spaghetti and meatballs, bananas, and powdered donuts.
One thing I just love is how you sign "cow" for every four legged animal you see. I don't know how many times I've told you Einstein is not a cow. Cracks me up every time.
I love you to infinity and beyond!