June 09, 2010

My Random Thoughts

Ready? Here goes:

I leave for Jamaica in 3 days! Is it just me or has this week flown by?!

I caught Noah trying to climb out of his crib this afternoon after his nap. Does that mean he's ready for his toddler bed? I'm not so sure I'm ready for that. Any advice on that is much appreciated!

I got in a car wreck this past Monday. Talk about perfect timing {insert sarcasm}. I am just thankful it was not my fault. But still, it was quite the pain having to deal with all of this the week before I leave for Jamaica. However, I am so very thankful that I was not hurt in the wreck. The Lord was watching over me for sure. And, thank you, thank you, thank you to my sweet friend, Laura, and her cutie patootie son, Ian, for rescuing me and taking me home since my car was not drivable. Yeah, Josh's car needs some shop love, so the Camry was our only car at the time. We have a rental car now, and hopefully our car gets fixed soon!

I have sooooooo much laundry to get done. Oh, and my bedroom is a total wreck. I have some major cleaning up to do around here before Grammy {and Papa, for a few days} comes to stay with Josh and Noah while I'm gone.

Guess what? A fabulous giveaway is coming up very, very soon. It is set up to automatically post on Monday {June 14th}, and it will last for the whole week while I'm away. I found out I will not have internet access in Jamaica, so no blogging for me. But don't worry. I'll share everything with you when I get home!

I am on week 5 of my running program C25K {Couch to 5K}, and it looks really hard. I have to run 5 minutes at a time {I know, I'm weak}, and it's pretty much going to kill me. I have to run tonight since I put it off the whole day.

One of my new favorite drinks lately is Chick-fil-A's diet lemonade. It is amazing, and it's zero points!

You may have been wondering where "This Week's Recipes" are for this week. Well, they aren't up because I did not do them. We have still been eating healthy this week, but between having to work a 12 hour shift Sunday night, getting in the wreck Monday, and getting ready for Jamaica, I just didn't have the time to put it together. Obviously I won't put one up for next week either since I'll be gone all week. But you can count on it the week after I get back from Jamaica.

My birthday is coming up! I'll actually turn the big 27 {wait.. hm.. I think 27??} while I'm in Jamaica on the 17th.

I have my Weight Watcher's meeting tomorrow, and I'm anxious to step on the scales and see how much I lost this past week. Crossing my fingers it's a good loss! I usually go every Monday, but I wasn't able to go this past Monday because I was stranded and car-less in a empty parking lot. It was not fun. In fact, one of the worst parts of the wreck was missing my meeting.

Josh and I are so addicted to LOST. Oh my, it's goooood. We are planning on watching at least 2 or 3 episodes tonight. Laundry, cleaning, packing... yeah those things can wait.

Ok, I think that is all. Oh, wait. One more thing:

I am hoping to give you all a blog tutorial before I leave {but I'm not making any promises}. Are you sick of using Blogger to upload your pictures? I hate the Blogger picture uploader; in the tutorial, I'll tell you why, and show you a way around it.
Ok. I really think that's it.

Have a wonderful evening.



Jamie Moore said...

I love Chickfila's Diet Lemonade! They use splenda....yum!

Unknown said...

Well, Happy early birthday! Have a wonderful and safe trip. We moved our son to a twin set mattress on the floor when he started climbing (I was scared of how far the fall was from the top of the crib). I was worried about him getting up in the middle of the night and meddling around the house. We got the bed just after the new year, and he has only gotten up in the middle of the night twice and both times he came right to me crying. We put the box spring and mattress right on the floor with pillows and stuffed animals around it to cushion any falls. Good luck!

OurLittleBlessingS said...

eek! leaving for jamaica in 2 days now! how exciting/yet nervewracking.
totally sad you can't blog while there, but looking forward to your return and beautiful pictures i'm sure you will take!

hm..have no advice on the crib thing;)

the wreck sucks. both cars being worked on-not fun. God has a sense of humor, doesn't He?

Our bedroom is always a wreck. I always figure it's the last place people will see:)

excited for your giveaway! woo hoo! maybe i'll win this time!

congrats on being on week 5-can't wait to hear about your loss-whether its .5lb or 5 lbs!

don't eat chick-fil-a. hear a lot of good things about it though..

happy bday early!!!!! i have a terrible memory so i'll pry forget that day(esp with everything going on) so i apologize ahead of time for that!

LOST...haha you'll have to let me know what you think of it? i've heard a lot of people say it gets confusing-which is why i've never watched it!

and a blog tutorial--ooo fun!!

i think i covered every.thing. :D
happy thursday!

adelheide said...

I'm doing the couch to 5K running plan too. Just keep your pace slow and you'll make it through. It is more about building endurance than speed and having a running buddy makes it so much easier!!! Keep up the good work.

Linda P. said...

Happy early bday, Libby! We will be praying for all of you while you are in Jamaica! We will remember to pray for the homefront, too, and that you will be so busy that you don't have time to miss your boys too much. So sorry about that wreck. I have been in a couple that did major car damage, but fortunately no one was hurt. Have fun with LOST. How I do miss it. . . .

emily anderson said...

jamaica?!! so jealous...that was where we spent our honeymoon and we DREAM of returning. i shall live vicariously through you :)