Einstein expressions are the best.
I just love them. Don't you?
This picture is just too funny not to name.
What caption would you give this photo?
I want to hear from you {yep, that means
in the comments section below.
I'm sure there are some pretty
funny captions out there, so let's
hear them!
CJ: Do you have trouble making up your mind? Well, yes or no?
Are you even going to let me eat any of that!?!
CJ: I know, this is my second time but this is fun....
"This is hard to ask but I have to know... am I adopted?"
But I thought I was your favorite son. . . .
Haha I love it!
"(sigh) Once again...I'm not fat. I'm big boned."
Haha...these are great! Gimmee some...gimmeee some. I know you wanna gimmeee soommmeee!
how do you know what I'm thinking?
Pleeeeeeeeeeez to luv the cute leedle doggie . . . .
"do you think i need botox right. . -->here?<--
"whatchoo think of my new shawl? the tailor says it's sposed to match my furrrr."
"i'm not kidding. i think it really -is- noah's turn to do dishes"
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