February 09, 2009

That darn sippy cup!

Good Morning!

Noah slept through the whole night! That hasn't happened in a LONG time. Yay Noah! I did wake up this morning running into his room to make sure he was still breathing. He was sound asleep in his bed/carseat sleeping like a little angel.

Last night while Noah was eating oatmeal, I decided to introduce a sippy cup with water. Noah was thrilled when he saw a cup with handles on it. He immediately grabbed it and tried to suck on it, but he quickly realized it was not the same nipple he is use to. He would suck on it for a second and get a little water in his mouth and then he would either make a funny face or gag.

Eventually after repeated tries and hoping maybe the water taste would magically change to milk he gave up and he was NOT a happy camper!

It's ok Noah! You will get the hang of it.

Have a wonderful day! -- Libby


Cynthia Meeks said...

He is so cute! I love him in his little hat. Hutton has one but it is a little big but still so cute! Don't you love blogs! I am addicted to reading them but am still working at getting better at updating mine more often. You are doing really good at that, I will have to try to keep up with you! I am still just breast feeding Hutton for now, we have the green light to start him on cereal but I just havent felt right about it yet. When did you start and how did you do it? I think we will wait a while longer, but I am still reading and looking for advice!

apryl said...

Jaxson still makes yucky faces at the sippy cup and he is 13 months old! We started trying around 5 months too and still working on it...hope ya'll have better luck than us!