Aren't you glad it's the weekend?
Noah has been doing just fine after his little candle holder incident yesterday. We can't even see the red mark on his head anymore, nor does it seem sensitive when we touch it.
Noah turned 6 months old today, and that meant a trip to the doctor for a check up and shots. :(
Noah is so cute every time we go in to see Dr. Fletcher. I don't know if it's the stethoscope or Dr. Fletcher himself (it's probably some combination of both), but Noah always seem so fascinated while he's being examined.
Anyway, Dr. Fletcher was very pleased with Noah's progress. Noah is ahead in motor development (sitting up, grabbing small things, etc.) for his age group. Of course, every baby develops at his own pace. Noah also weighed 19 lbs and measured 27 inches; both measurements put him in the 75th percentile for his age group. Honestly, we thought he would weigh more than that. He feels like he weighs about 40 lbs.
We told Dr. Fletcher that Noah has been doing well eating his veggies, and we got the go ahead to move on to more veggies, fruits, and eventually meats. Yum! "He looks great, just keep doing whatever you're doing," was Dr. Fletcher's comment. That always makes you feel good as a parent.
Noah also got a couple of shots while we were at the doctor's office. Needless to say, his big smile quickly turned into a puffed out lip and then into a crying frown. Thankfully Mommy had a bottle ready to help ease the pain. Isn't it amazing how food is comforting even at such a young age?
Here's a picture (taken with Josh's phone) of Noah in the examination room. Obviously, it was taken before the shots.
Poor Noah! He's had a hard couple of days!
Have a great weekend!
February 27, 2009
February 26, 2009
Battle-Wounds from the Photo Shoot
For a couple of weeks, I had been looking forward to getting Noah's 6 month pictures done. Noah will be 6 months old tomorrow (can you believe it!), and he has changed so much since his 3 month pictures, so I've been anxious to get some more pictures. Finally, the time came this morning. Chriselda came over to the house to take Noah's pictures early this morning, because that is usually the time of day is when Noah is the happiest. Anyway, we placed a white sheet as a backdrop up on the entertainment center and placed my 3 "gaudy" (Josh's word) candle holders on top to keep the sheet up. You know where this is going.
Noah was sprawled out in all his naked glory on the white sheet while Chriselda rolled around on the ground with him trying to get some good angles. Then, at the exact moment the thought was crossing my mind, it happened. "Wouldn't it be awful if one of those candle holders fell on him?" and then, "Oh no!" Before I could even process what was happening, one of the candle holders fell on his side. As the second one began to fall, Chriselda threw her camera (a very expensive camera, might I add) to the side and swept Noah up in her arms. The biggest candle holder still hit him on the side of his little head, but thanks to Chriselda and her quick reaction, Noah was spared having that huge thing fall and hit him smack in the face. It could have been really bad! Poor Noah!
Of course after the accident, Noah started bawling and floods of tears came pouring out. We felt horrible! After a bunch of hugs and kisses from the both of us, Noah managed to smile at us a couple more times. But he was pretty much finished with his photo shoot. I don't blame him.
Josh and I were talking, and it seems like just about every baby has a traumatizing event at some point. At least all of the Bonjour boys did. Josh had his hand go through a sewing machine. Joseph had an iron fall on his forehead and leave a scar. And Quentin's childhood was basically one traumatizing event after another thanks to Josh and Joseph. Now Noah has been initated as a Bonjour boy; let's just hope there are no more initiations.
Anyway, here is a picture of Noah's battle wound.

Thankfully, Noah has a hard head like his daddy. haha
Noah was sprawled out in all his naked glory on the white sheet while Chriselda rolled around on the ground with him trying to get some good angles. Then, at the exact moment the thought was crossing my mind, it happened. "Wouldn't it be awful if one of those candle holders fell on him?" and then, "Oh no!" Before I could even process what was happening, one of the candle holders fell on his side. As the second one began to fall, Chriselda threw her camera (a very expensive camera, might I add) to the side and swept Noah up in her arms. The biggest candle holder still hit him on the side of his little head, but thanks to Chriselda and her quick reaction, Noah was spared having that huge thing fall and hit him smack in the face. It could have been really bad! Poor Noah!
Of course after the accident, Noah started bawling and floods of tears came pouring out. We felt horrible! After a bunch of hugs and kisses from the both of us, Noah managed to smile at us a couple more times. But he was pretty much finished with his photo shoot. I don't blame him.
Josh and I were talking, and it seems like just about every baby has a traumatizing event at some point. At least all of the Bonjour boys did. Josh had his hand go through a sewing machine. Joseph had an iron fall on his forehead and leave a scar. And Quentin's childhood was basically one traumatizing event after another thanks to Josh and Joseph. Now Noah has been initated as a Bonjour boy; let's just hope there are no more initiations.
Anyway, here is a picture of Noah's battle wound.
Thankfully, Noah has a hard head like his daddy. haha
Have a great evening!-- Libby
February 24, 2009
The Vege-Boogie
Good morning!
It's only been three days since my last blog post, but it feels like it's been two weeks. I have been so exhausted from work. When I get home all I want to do is kiss little Noah good morning and fall into bed. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel! One more day left, and I am on an eight day stretch of absolutely no work -- just playing and enjoying the time with my two favorite boys in the whole world. And Einstein too of course.
I know it has been forever since my post about Noah eating squash for the first time. Honestly, I didn't feel Noah's reaction to the squash was blog worthy. Of course he made a funny face at first, but he ended up loving it.
So, I decided to wait and see what his reaction would be to carrots. We hit the jackpot with carrots. The face he makes is priceless. I'm so glad I caught it on video. He actually ended up liking carrots almost as much as squash, but the initial shock of a new taste must have thrown him off.
Since we had two separate videos of Noah eating his veggies, (one for squash and one for carrots), I asked Josh to combine them into one video so I could post it on the blog. Of course, it's beyond Josh's comprehension to do a normal video. Instead of a cute video of Noah eating his veggies, we have the Vege-Boogie.
Josh thinks it's a work of art; I think Josh has too much free time. However, despite being ridiculous, it is funny. Noah's reaction to the carrots is about halfway into the video, so be sure to watch it all (if you can stand it).
Have a good day! --Libby
February 21, 2009
Noah's new diaper bag
Hello! I really am not in the mood to clean the house, but when there are about ten of Noah's dirty bottles scattered throughout the house, clothes all over the washer and dryer, and no sheets on our bed, I don't think I can get out of this one. Oh well.
I want to take a minute to brag on my mother. She is amazingly talented, and I can't count the number of times I have told her she needs to open a store or get a website to sell all of her wonderful creations. As Josh would say, she's got "mad skills." She can make pretty much anything I ask of her, and she's an awesome interior decorator. Every time she comes over we always change something around in the never ending quest to make our apartment look like it belongs in a Pottery Barn catalogue.
I want to take a minute to brag on my mother. She is amazingly talented, and I can't count the number of times I have told her she needs to open a store or get a website to sell all of her wonderful creations. As Josh would say, she's got "mad skills." She can make pretty much anything I ask of her, and she's an awesome interior decorator. Every time she comes over we always change something around in the never ending quest to make our apartment look like it belongs in a Pottery Barn catalogue.
Before Noah was born I had the bright idea that I would use a knock off animal print purse as a dual-purpose diaper bag and purse. Noah's room is safari themed, so I thought the animal print would be perfect. But things didn't exactly go as planned; most of the time I ended up not even using it as a purse, and it became Noah's diaper bag. Josh always complained about Noah's "wussy diaper bag" and said he needed a manly one. And I admit, it was wussy. Poor Noah.
February 19, 2009
Noah and his new toy!
Good Morning! Hope it has been a good week for you.
Noah did the funniest thing yesterday. My mom and I were watching him play, and I was eating something for lunch, so of course Einstein was drooling in front of me begging me with his "feel sorry for me I'm starving" eyes. Einstein was sitting near Noah. I look down, and what do I see? Noah had found himself a new toy... Einstein's tail. Noah was pulling at it, but Einstein didn't seem to care because he was too busy staring my food down. It was so cute! I had to share this picture with you.

Yay! It's Friday! Have a great weekend!
Noah did the funniest thing yesterday. My mom and I were watching him play, and I was eating something for lunch, so of course Einstein was drooling in front of me begging me with his "feel sorry for me I'm starving" eyes. Einstein was sitting near Noah. I look down, and what do I see? Noah had found himself a new toy... Einstein's tail. Noah was pulling at it, but Einstein didn't seem to care because he was too busy staring my food down. It was so cute! I had to share this picture with you.
Yay! It's Friday! Have a great weekend!
February 18, 2009
Learning to sit up
Good morning! I hope you are enjoying our blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I love sharing with you all the new and wonderful memories that take place each day in the Bonjour home. Before I fall into bed from pure exhaustion, I wanted to share a video with you. Noah is starting to sit unsupported; he has been practicing every day. I'm so proud of him.
Ouch! We still need to work on falling gracefully. :)
Have a wonderful day!-- Libby
Ouch! We still need to work on falling gracefully. :)
Have a wonderful day!-- Libby
February 17, 2009
Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday to Eins
What a sweet little guy! Here are a few pictures of Noah on Valentine's Day. Oh, excuse me... Einstein's Day! We had such a great day together as a family. With me working nights and Josh traveling to Lubbock, there aren't many days we get to just hang out as a family. I told Josh not to get me anything, because all I wanted was my family together. That's exactly what I got, and it was a wonderful day!

Ok... it's time to go to sleep now! Have a great day!
Ok... it's time to go to sleep now! Have a great day!
February 16, 2009
New Discoveries
I am amazed at the changes a baby makes over the span of just a couple of months. While I was scrap booking the other day, I was looking back at pictures of Noah's birth, and could not believe how many changes have taken place. My baby is growing up way too fast, and I know all of you who have children can relate.
Those of you who know me well, know I have a thing for babies. I'm not sure what draws me to those sweet little creatures. There is something about the innocence, the delicate skin, the smell, the dependence on someone for care that captivates my heart when it comes to babies. I have wanted to work with babies for as long as I can remember. My mom has pictures of me at a very young age of pretending to feed my twin babies. I wish I had the picture to post because it is actually quite funny. Babies bring joy to my heart. Despite the many challenging times at work, I am so thankful for the privilege of caring for newborn babies.
Speaking of babies, I am partial to one in particular. I can not even begin to put into words how much God has blessed my life with Noah. I love being a mother! Every day I thank God for his life. I can not imagine my life without Noah in it. As much as I loved the newborn stage, I have greatly enjoyed watching Noah grow and discover new things. He has so much personality, and anytime a person smiles at him, it's for certain you will get a heart warming smile back. He is learning so quickly, and it has been so much fun watching him discover new things. I wanted to share with you some of his new discoveries.

Noah has discovered Einstein! Einstein fascinates him. He will just stare at Einstein and watch his every move. Many times Noah will reach over and touch or pull at Einstein's hair. Thank goodness Einstein has a little, ok a lot, of extra skin.
Noah is learning to sit. Sometimes he topples over, but everyday he is getting closer and closer to sitting up without support.
Noah has learned how to eat his baby cereal from a spoon. It did not take him long to figure it out. Noah will lean forward with his mouth open for more. Now he is moving on to baby food! By the way... remember the post about the sippy cup? Well Noah is getting the hang of it now. He still makes funny faces when he drinks from it, but he has made a lot of progress since that post.
Hasn't he learned so much?! It amazes me.
Words alone cannot express the love I have for Noah. Of all the blessings God has poured out on my life, Noah is the greatest of those blessings. Thank you Lord for Noah and for giving me the awesome privilege of being his mother.
Have a wonderful Monday! -- Libby
Those of you who know me well, know I have a thing for babies. I'm not sure what draws me to those sweet little creatures. There is something about the innocence, the delicate skin, the smell, the dependence on someone for care that captivates my heart when it comes to babies. I have wanted to work with babies for as long as I can remember. My mom has pictures of me at a very young age of pretending to feed my twin babies. I wish I had the picture to post because it is actually quite funny. Babies bring joy to my heart. Despite the many challenging times at work, I am so thankful for the privilege of caring for newborn babies.
Speaking of babies, I am partial to one in particular. I can not even begin to put into words how much God has blessed my life with Noah. I love being a mother! Every day I thank God for his life. I can not imagine my life without Noah in it. As much as I loved the newborn stage, I have greatly enjoyed watching Noah grow and discover new things. He has so much personality, and anytime a person smiles at him, it's for certain you will get a heart warming smile back. He is learning so quickly, and it has been so much fun watching him discover new things. I wanted to share with you some of his new discoveries.
Noah has learned to sit in his high chair. He has discovered toys and is starting to pick things up, and you know where they are going. All in the mouth or on the floor...
Noah has recently learned to hold the bottle all by himself. What a big boy! There are sometimes when he decides he would rather have mommy or daddy hold it for him.
Noah has discovered his hands and feet. Especially now that he is teething, I have noticed it soothes him to chew on his fingers. The other night when Noah was in the bath, he kept grabbing his feet trying to bring his toes close enough to suck on them. As soon as he got his foot close enough to get his toes in his mouth, his foot would slip out of his hand. I think he tried 20 times... and he finally did it!
When we take family walks, Noah now sits in the stroller without the carseat attachment. Noah loves to watch everything around him when we go outside.
Noah has discovered Einstein! Einstein fascinates him. He will just stare at Einstein and watch his every move. Many times Noah will reach over and touch or pull at Einstein's hair. Thank goodness Einstein has a little, ok a lot, of extra skin.
Noah is learning to sit. Sometimes he topples over, but everyday he is getting closer and closer to sitting up without support.
Noah has learned how to eat his baby cereal from a spoon. It did not take him long to figure it out. Noah will lean forward with his mouth open for more. Now he is moving on to baby food! By the way... remember the post about the sippy cup? Well Noah is getting the hang of it now. He still makes funny faces when he drinks from it, but he has made a lot of progress since that post.
Hasn't he learned so much?! It amazes me.
Words alone cannot express the love I have for Noah. Of all the blessings God has poured out on my life, Noah is the greatest of those blessings. Thank you Lord for Noah and for giving me the awesome privilege of being his mother.
Have a wonderful Monday! -- Libby
February 15, 2009
Pug Factory
Ok. I had to put this on the blog. One of the youth from our home fellowship bible study group showed me this and it is so funny! It's a magnet... I need to get one to put on our refrigerator!

February 14, 2009
Message from Einstein

I'll get right to it. Today is my birthday. That's right, exactly two years ago today, I curled my tail into its first little cinnamon bun. But no one ever remembers. The focus is always love, love, love. How about showing ME a little love?
At least I have someone here to party with me. Noah's too young to know what Valentine's Day is, and his young mind is ripe for me to teach him the true meaning of February 14.
I'm 14 years old today (that's 2 years old in people years), and it's not too late to swing by Petsmart and pick me up a little somethin-somethin. If you can't make it to Petsmart, "belated birthday steak" is a phrase that gives me a warm feeling inside. In fact, I'll gladly accept just about any present you send my way.
Just don't send any cats.
February 12, 2009
Dudes Night
Hey guys! Josh here with blogging duties today.
As many of you know, Lib is on a three day rotation at the hospital, meaning she works three 7pm - 7am shifts in a row, then has few days off before going back to work again. So when Lib is at work, I'm Mr. Mom at home with Noah and Weenie Dog.
Initially, I was a little nervous about staying at home all by myself with Noah. He was 3 months old when Lib went back to work, and he was still a pretty small little guy. I have neither the expertise nor the experience working with babies that Libby has. Most importantly, I lack one critical tool in caring for Noah: breasts full of milk. Seriously, those things are like magic. They never fail with crying babies. Or at least they never fail with ours.
So, I didn't know how everything was gonna work out. But it actually turned out quite well. I dare say I look forward to Dudes Night in the Bonjour home. And I'd like to think Noah does too.
We get to do all kinds of fun stuff when Mom isn't around. Like watching SportsCenter. Like nodding our heads and pretending that we're gangstaz while listening to Trip Lee. Like fixing the computer. Like playing PS3. Like watching R-rated movies. Just kidding on that last one - don't bombard me with hate mail.
Yeah there was the night that Noah had a tummy ache (i think?), and we were both crying til 3am. And there are the nasty, make me throw up in my mouth, "I can't believe this came out of your little body!" diapers. And the times when Noah thinks it's funny to pee on me while I'm trying to change said diaper. But the fun, guy bonding times definitely overshadow the not-so-fun times.
With all the fun we have on Dudes Night, we don't always get to the bath. Libby can't understand why. She was on my case the other day because Noah once went 3 straight days without a bath on my watch. I keep trying to explain to her that it's not that big of a deal. Noah doesn't have B.O., yet. Babies always smell good except when their diapers explode. And when Noah has a diaper explosion, I hose him off in the sink with that handy little sprayer. After that, we're good to go.
I'm pretty sure people in Europe only shower once every couple of weeks, and I know we're doing better than that. Trust me, when Noah is old enough to have to put deodorant on every day, I'll make sure he showers. Until then, aren't little boys supposed to be a little dirty?
Lest you think I never bathe him, here's evidence of a recent bath.
His expression kills me. I love Dudes Night.
I love being a Dad.
Have a good Thursday.
As many of you know, Lib is on a three day rotation at the hospital, meaning she works three 7pm - 7am shifts in a row, then has few days off before going back to work again. So when Lib is at work, I'm Mr. Mom at home with Noah and Weenie Dog.
Initially, I was a little nervous about staying at home all by myself with Noah. He was 3 months old when Lib went back to work, and he was still a pretty small little guy. I have neither the expertise nor the experience working with babies that Libby has. Most importantly, I lack one critical tool in caring for Noah: breasts full of milk. Seriously, those things are like magic. They never fail with crying babies. Or at least they never fail with ours.
So, I didn't know how everything was gonna work out. But it actually turned out quite well. I dare say I look forward to Dudes Night in the Bonjour home. And I'd like to think Noah does too.
We get to do all kinds of fun stuff when Mom isn't around. Like watching SportsCenter. Like nodding our heads and pretending that we're gangstaz while listening to Trip Lee. Like fixing the computer. Like playing PS3. Like watching R-rated movies. Just kidding on that last one - don't bombard me with hate mail.
Yeah there was the night that Noah had a tummy ache (i think?), and we were both crying til 3am. And there are the nasty, make me throw up in my mouth, "I can't believe this came out of your little body!" diapers. And the times when Noah thinks it's funny to pee on me while I'm trying to change said diaper. But the fun, guy bonding times definitely overshadow the not-so-fun times.
With all the fun we have on Dudes Night, we don't always get to the bath. Libby can't understand why. She was on my case the other day because Noah once went 3 straight days without a bath on my watch. I keep trying to explain to her that it's not that big of a deal. Noah doesn't have B.O., yet. Babies always smell good except when their diapers explode. And when Noah has a diaper explosion, I hose him off in the sink with that handy little sprayer. After that, we're good to go.
I'm pretty sure people in Europe only shower once every couple of weeks, and I know we're doing better than that. Trust me, when Noah is old enough to have to put deodorant on every day, I'll make sure he showers. Until then, aren't little boys supposed to be a little dirty?
Lest you think I never bathe him, here's evidence of a recent bath.
His expression kills me. I love Dudes Night.
I love being a Dad.
Have a good Thursday.
February 09, 2009
That darn sippy cup!
Good Morning!
Noah slept through the whole night! That hasn't happened in a LONG time. Yay Noah! I did wake up this morning running into his room to make sure he was still breathing. He was sound asleep in his bed/carseat sleeping like a little angel.

Noah slept through the whole night! That hasn't happened in a LONG time. Yay Noah! I did wake up this morning running into his room to make sure he was still breathing. He was sound asleep in his bed/carseat sleeping like a little angel.
Last night while Noah was eating oatmeal, I decided to introduce a sippy cup with water. Noah was thrilled when he saw a cup with handles on it. He immediately grabbed it and tried to suck on it, but he quickly realized it was not the same nipple he is use to. He would suck on it for a second and get a little water in his mouth and then he would either make a funny face or gag.
Eventually after repeated tries and hoping maybe the water taste would magically change to milk he gave up and he was NOT a happy camper!
Have a wonderful day! -- Libby
Passport? Really?

Good afternoon! Wasn't the rain last night wonderful!?! I think the last time it rained like that in Amarillo Noah was coming home from the hospital. That was five months ago! Today we're back to lovely Amarillo wind. Arrrrrgghh!!!
In May or June, we are planning on going to Mexico or some far away destination with my family. Of course most people would assume that children (especially babies) would not require a passport. Actually, the thought of getting Noah a passport did not even cross our minds. We assumed a birth certificate would be adequate. As quick as babies change, does it not seem ridiculous to get a baby a passport?
Noah at birth
Noah at five months
See what I'm talking about!?
Well... I don't make the rules. So as soon as possible we are going to the post office (car seat and all) to get Noah a passport so he can go with us to Mexico and eat Mexican sand.
Have a wonderful day. -- Libby
February 06, 2009
We Have A Pug That's Really A Weenie Dog
Hey guys, Josh here with my inaugural post on the family blog.
So, Lib was getting ready for work last night around 6pm, and I was in our bedroom with Noah, successfully feeding him but unsuccessfully trying to get him down for a nap, when both of us heard a disturbing noise outside. It took us a minute to figure out what the sound was, but the persistent 'mew' soon made it obvious that a cat was sitting inches from our front door.
Let me preface this story by acknowledging that in no way, shape, form, or fashion am I fond of cats. In fact, that's an understatement for those who know me well. I have a few cat jokes I could share, but in a nod to good taste I'll keep them to myself. Libby isn't as extreme in her dislike of cats as I am, but she doesn't really care for them either.
Anyway, the cat was practically yelling at the door for us to let it in, and Libby was trying to figure out how she was going to get out to go to work without the cat slipping in. Forget the fact that we don't like cats, neither one of us wants any intruding member of the animal kingdom scurrying around our house and jumping on our bed/couch/son. Plus, it could be a stray carrying fleas and some gnarly form of eosinophilic granuloma.
We eventually decided the best course of action was to let Einstein chase it away. I looked out the peephole and didn't see the cat, but I decided to take Einstein out on the leash anyway so that if we happened to run into the cat, it would know that there's a sheriff patrolling the area and not to come around again. Sure enough, as soon as we turned the corner, I saw the perpetrator in the flower bed right outside our window. I immediately let Einstein off the leash so he could chase it away.
It took Einstein a minute to see the cat, but he eventually caught the scent and started sniffing his way to its owner. Then he looked up and froze. He had seen the cat.
"Sick 'em Einstein!"
"Go on, Einie. Take no prisoners."
Still nothing.
I looked at the cat to see if it was hissing or had its claws drawn. Nope. I looked back at Einstein, and you know what he's doing? You know what our Lord-Protector, bark at any little sound, "I once tried to pick a fight with a great dane," guard dog is doing? He's SHAKING. And backing up! Backing up from this:

So, Lib was getting ready for work last night around 6pm, and I was in our bedroom with Noah, successfully feeding him but unsuccessfully trying to get him down for a nap, when both of us heard a disturbing noise outside. It took us a minute to figure out what the sound was, but the persistent 'mew' soon made it obvious that a cat was sitting inches from our front door.
Let me preface this story by acknowledging that in no way, shape, form, or fashion am I fond of cats. In fact, that's an understatement for those who know me well. I have a few cat jokes I could share, but in a nod to good taste I'll keep them to myself. Libby isn't as extreme in her dislike of cats as I am, but she doesn't really care for them either.
Anyway, the cat was practically yelling at the door for us to let it in, and Libby was trying to figure out how she was going to get out to go to work without the cat slipping in. Forget the fact that we don't like cats, neither one of us wants any intruding member of the animal kingdom scurrying around our house and jumping on our bed/couch/son. Plus, it could be a stray carrying fleas and some gnarly form of eosinophilic granuloma.
We eventually decided the best course of action was to let Einstein chase it away. I looked out the peephole and didn't see the cat, but I decided to take Einstein out on the leash anyway so that if we happened to run into the cat, it would know that there's a sheriff patrolling the area and not to come around again. Sure enough, as soon as we turned the corner, I saw the perpetrator in the flower bed right outside our window. I immediately let Einstein off the leash so he could chase it away.
It took Einstein a minute to see the cat, but he eventually caught the scent and started sniffing his way to its owner. Then he looked up and froze. He had seen the cat.
"Sick 'em Einstein!"
"Go on, Einie. Take no prisoners."
Still nothing.
I looked at the cat to see if it was hissing or had its claws drawn. Nope. I looked back at Einstein, and you know what he's doing? You know what our Lord-Protector, bark at any little sound, "I once tried to pick a fight with a great dane," guard dog is doing? He's SHAKING. And backing up! Backing up from this:
This is too much for me. I've seen some ferocious strays and some pretty mean house cats in my time. But this little kitty???
I called Einstein back to me, and, relieved, he turned around and gladly came. He went to do his business, making sure to keep at least a 30 yard buffer between himself and the cat.
I'm so ashamed.
So, to all the burglars reading this: Feel free to come and have a go at our apartment, because, as you know by now, all that stands between you and all of our stuff is a Weenie Dog trapped in a Pug's body.
Ok, that was a little therapeutic. Thanks for reading my story. Have a good weekend.
I called Einstein back to me, and, relieved, he turned around and gladly came. He went to do his business, making sure to keep at least a 30 yard buffer between himself and the cat.
I'm so ashamed.
So, to all the burglars reading this: Feel free to come and have a go at our apartment, because, as you know by now, all that stands between you and all of our stuff is a Weenie Dog trapped in a Pug's body.
Ok, that was a little therapeutic. Thanks for reading my story. Have a good weekend.
I just got home not long ago from a good night at work. Thank you for your prayers. We had four deliveries before 11 pm, and that was pretty much it the rest of the night. The whole night went completely smooth. It's amazing how quickly the pace of things can change at work. The week before, we averaged about ten babies. This week... BOOM... babies, babies, babies. How wonderful it is when new life is brought into this world. I really do have the best job in the world despite the craziness of it all! Enough of me!
Before I got home I dropped by the store and picked up some squash. You may be asking yourself, why is she telling me this? Well... it's baby squash! Keep a look out! Noah will be eating his first baby food very soon! I hear baby expressions are quite funny when they start tasting different foods.
I just got home not long ago from a good night at work. Thank you for your prayers. We had four deliveries before 11 pm, and that was pretty much it the rest of the night. The whole night went completely smooth. It's amazing how quickly the pace of things can change at work. The week before, we averaged about ten babies. This week... BOOM... babies, babies, babies. How wonderful it is when new life is brought into this world. I really do have the best job in the world despite the craziness of it all! Enough of me!
Before I got home I dropped by the store and picked up some squash. You may be asking yourself, why is she telling me this? Well... it's baby squash! Keep a look out! Noah will be eating his first baby food very soon! I hear baby expressions are quite funny when they start tasting different foods.
Have a wonderful day! Thank goodness it's Friday, huh?!
February 05, 2009
Noah's Favorite Things
Good Morning! I'm only up for just a little bit today, because my eight days off are over (so sad), and I have to go into work tonight. So... this day will be full of sleep. I heard that at the beginning of the week we had 25 babies in 24 hours!! How is the possible?!? One of my co workers wrote on her facebook status, "I'm really scared of going to work today!! I'm not about beating records!" Does that mean another one of those nights?!? I sure hope not. Pray I have the strength to get through this night. I thought I would share with you today Noah's top 10 favorite things.
1. Noah LOVES his bouncer.
Josh told me one day he stayed in the bouncer 2 hours!
Here is a little clip. If you have not seen him jump, it is SO cute.
(He also has found his voice!)
2. Noah LOVES bath time.
(He is starting to splash water EVERYWHERE!)
3. Noah LOVES to put his fingers in his mouth.
(Especially his thumb... I caught you!)

4. Noah LOVES to be naked!
(Any time he cries uncontrollably
or is upset for any reason, we take off his clothes,
and he will always smile or laugh... silly baby!)
5. Noah LOVES his car seat.
(He smiles every time we put him in it
and still sleeps in it.)

6. Noah LOVES to hang upside down. He laughs and laughs!

7. Noah LOVES hand me down toys, as I've come to learn.
(He loves the red phone!)

8. Noah LOVES to touch Einstein when he gets the chance.
This little clip is of Noah and Einstein. It's so precious.
1. Noah LOVES his bouncer.
Josh told me one day he stayed in the bouncer 2 hours!
Here is a little clip. If you have not seen him jump, it is SO cute.
(He also has found his voice!)
2. Noah LOVES bath time.
(He is starting to splash water EVERYWHERE!)
3. Noah LOVES to put his fingers in his mouth.
(Especially his thumb... I caught you!)

4. Noah LOVES to be naked!
(Any time he cries uncontrollably
or is upset for any reason, we take off his clothes,
and he will always smile or laugh... silly baby!)
5. Noah LOVES his car seat.
(He smiles every time we put him in it
and still sleeps in it.)

6. Noah LOVES to hang upside down. He laughs and laughs!

7. Noah LOVES hand me down toys, as I've come to learn.
(He loves the red phone!)

8. Noah LOVES to touch Einstein when he gets the chance.
This little clip is of Noah and Einstein. It's so precious.
February 04, 2009
Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox
So this morning I happened to come across this MUST have for Josh. For all of you who know Josh, he has the weakest stomach of anyone I know. He can smell something that does not settle with him, and he'll be in the bathroom in an instant. How he has made it through some of Noah's diapers-- I do not know. BUT... I found the solution for him. It is a daddy diaper changing toolbox.
Here is what is included inside:
-Mask-- toxic fume filter for when it doesn't smell like roses.
-Goggles-- for protection against your own mini version of Old Faithful.
-Patent Pending Poop Poncho-- need we say more???
-Tongs-- several inches of steel separation between you and the little warm wrapped gift.
-Turkey Baster-- for precision hiney washing.
-Ear/Nose Plugs-- use with care.
-Pacifier-- scream plug.
-Baby Wipes-- for cleaning baby bottom and various parts.
-Diaper for newborn-- cute as a kitten until it gets wet then it looks and smells like a sewer rat.
-Bio Hazard bag and Rubber gloves-- for quarantine containment of the nuclear meltdown.
-Emergency Formula Container-- doubles as a PeePee cover
-Hand Wipes-- to clean up afterward. (For Dad's use only).
-Picture Frame-- "this is your badge of honor."
Does anyone else think Josh needs this?
No, seriously, Josh has done an AMAZING job with Noah. He is such a good daddy. The deep love Josh has for Noah is evident in everything he does for him and our family. He not only provides for us, but he makes effort everyday to spend time with his family. He desires and is the spiritual leader both me and Noah need. I thank God for the wonderful husband and father that he is.
Before I had to go back to work after maternity leave, I was anxious about what we would do with Noah when we both had to work. Would he have to go to a day care? How would we work our schedules out to where we could all be together as a family? In Philippians 4:6 it says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." That is what we did. I can not tell you how perfect everything has worked out. God provided a way for us. Noah has been able to stay home with either Josh or me. Josh is able to work his schedule around mine and take care of Noah when I'm away. God is our provider and always has been. We are so blessed. Thank you Lord.
Be encouraged by this. Do not be anxious about anything. Pray about it, because God IS faithful to answer. Have a wonderful day!
Here is what is included inside:
-Mask-- toxic fume filter for when it doesn't smell like roses.
-Goggles-- for protection against your own mini version of Old Faithful.
-Patent Pending Poop Poncho-- need we say more???
-Tongs-- several inches of steel separation between you and the little warm wrapped gift.
-Turkey Baster-- for precision hiney washing.
-Ear/Nose Plugs-- use with care.
-Pacifier-- scream plug.
-Baby Wipes-- for cleaning baby bottom and various parts.
-Diaper for newborn-- cute as a kitten until it gets wet then it looks and smells like a sewer rat.
-Bio Hazard bag and Rubber gloves-- for quarantine containment of the nuclear meltdown.
-Emergency Formula Container-- doubles as a PeePee cover
-Hand Wipes-- to clean up afterward. (For Dad's use only).
-Picture Frame-- "this is your badge of honor."
Does anyone else think Josh needs this?
No, seriously, Josh has done an AMAZING job with Noah. He is such a good daddy. The deep love Josh has for Noah is evident in everything he does for him and our family. He not only provides for us, but he makes effort everyday to spend time with his family. He desires and is the spiritual leader both me and Noah need. I thank God for the wonderful husband and father that he is.
Before I had to go back to work after maternity leave, I was anxious about what we would do with Noah when we both had to work. Would he have to go to a day care? How would we work our schedules out to where we could all be together as a family? In Philippians 4:6 it says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." That is what we did. I can not tell you how perfect everything has worked out. God provided a way for us. Noah has been able to stay home with either Josh or me. Josh is able to work his schedule around mine and take care of Noah when I'm away. God is our provider and always has been. We are so blessed. Thank you Lord.
Be encouraged by this. Do not be anxious about anything. Pray about it, because God IS faithful to answer. Have a wonderful day!
February 03, 2009
Ticklish Noah!
I forgot to add this video earlier. Noah is VERY ticklish just like his daddy. (Sorry Noah!) This little clip shows Noah laughing.
Good Morning
Good morning! Just thought I would sit down and write while Noah is happy watching the Baby Mozart dvd in his bouncer. Sometimes the bouncer and the Baby Einstein dvd will entertain him for hours.
I'm up early this morning. I only have a couple more days left until I have to go back to work. Eight days off of work is WONDERFUL. It flies by so quickly though. I am always so thankful for the time off to spend with Josh and Noah.
Thought I would share with you this morning my latest endeavor. I have started a scrapbook for Noah. I want him to be able to look back when he is older and enjoy the memories. I love scrapbooking! In fact, there have been several nights I have stayed up WAY too late and the next day I am completely exhausted. I just can't help myself. I get so excited about each page I am creating.. the time flies by. The pictures below are some of my favorite pages! Enjoy!
February 02, 2009
A quiet evening at home
Oh. my. goodness! I did not realize what I was getting myself into trying to set up a blog. It's not really hard... I guess it just takes some time getting the hang of it. I'm excited to start blogging mainly so I can keep my family and close friends updated on our lives.
As most of you know, my husband Josh travels to Lubbock for work every week. So... tonight is one of those quiet nights around the house. Noah is sound asleep in his very own room. Yes.. we finally made the BIG move to his room about a month ago. I was not really excited about him moving to his own room. I worried about all the things new mothers worry about. What if he stop breathing? What if I don't hear him when he cries?
My mother gave me a short devotion written by Stormie Omartian about releasing your child into God's hands. It was God's gentle reminder to me that He is in control. God created Noah and loves him more than I can even comprehend. Thank you Lord that we can trust you to care for our child. I cannot imagine having to do it all alone. Here is a little excerpt from the devotion.
"I didn't have peace when my first child, Christopher, was born because I was concerned about everything. I was afraid that someone might drop him, that he might drown in the bathtub, that he might get deathly ill, that I would forget to feed him, that he would be bitten by a dog, injured in a car accident, kidnapped, or lost. In an act more of desperation than obedience, I cried out to God concerning this. He immediately reminded me that Christopher was a gift to us from Him and that He cared even more about our son than we did. I was reminded of the biblical instruction to cast "all your care upon Him." (1 Peter 5:7), and so I did." We don't want to limit what God can do in our children by clutching them to ourselves and trying to parent them alone. If we're not positive that God is in control of our children's lives, we'll be ruled by fear. And the only way to be sure that God is in control is to surrender our hold and allow Him full access to their lives." -- Stormie Omartian
It's a blessing beyond words being a parent, but it's not always easy. Being in a partnership with God gives us peace as we continue to raise our precious son Noah.
I'll leave you tonight with an updated pictures of Noah. He is already five months old and continues to grow so quickly! I cannot believe how fast time flies by. Seems like just the other day we were coming home from the hospital with our new little bundle of joy.
As most of you know, my husband Josh travels to Lubbock for work every week. So... tonight is one of those quiet nights around the house. Noah is sound asleep in his very own room. Yes.. we finally made the BIG move to his room about a month ago. I was not really excited about him moving to his own room. I worried about all the things new mothers worry about. What if he stop breathing? What if I don't hear him when he cries?
My mother gave me a short devotion written by Stormie Omartian about releasing your child into God's hands. It was God's gentle reminder to me that He is in control. God created Noah and loves him more than I can even comprehend. Thank you Lord that we can trust you to care for our child. I cannot imagine having to do it all alone. Here is a little excerpt from the devotion.
"I didn't have peace when my first child, Christopher, was born because I was concerned about everything. I was afraid that someone might drop him, that he might drown in the bathtub, that he might get deathly ill, that I would forget to feed him, that he would be bitten by a dog, injured in a car accident, kidnapped, or lost. In an act more of desperation than obedience, I cried out to God concerning this. He immediately reminded me that Christopher was a gift to us from Him and that He cared even more about our son than we did. I was reminded of the biblical instruction to cast "all your care upon Him." (1 Peter 5:7), and so I did." We don't want to limit what God can do in our children by clutching them to ourselves and trying to parent them alone. If we're not positive that God is in control of our children's lives, we'll be ruled by fear. And the only way to be sure that God is in control is to surrender our hold and allow Him full access to their lives." -- Stormie Omartian
It's a blessing beyond words being a parent, but it's not always easy. Being in a partnership with God gives us peace as we continue to raise our precious son Noah.
I'll leave you tonight with an updated pictures of Noah. He is already five months old and continues to grow so quickly! I cannot believe how fast time flies by. Seems like just the other day we were coming home from the hospital with our new little bundle of joy.
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