October 29, 2010

Mommy & Me

Most of the time I'm behind the camera taking pictures, so when
somebody offered to take Noah's and my picture at the Fall Festival
the other day, I was thrilled and quickly handed my camera over.


I love this picture of us.

It's so easy to get caught up in capturing the moment that I
end up not being in any of the pictures. And to be completely
honest, 99% of the time I would prefer to be behind the camera
than in front of it.

But someday when Noah looks back at pictures of the two of us,
he isn't going to care if I wasn't at my target weight or
if my hair was in desperate need of a trim.

Nope, he'll see himself and his Mommy.
He'll see memories we made together.

I realized this when I saw the picture
of us together. So, I am going to make more of an
effort to get behind the camera with Mr. Noah.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! We sure are.
It has been so nice having my mother here with us.


p.s. Today I was sooo excited to see Sarah, from Life {Sweet} Life, used
the Philippians 4:8 print I created the other evening in her guest room.
It looks amazing! I loved how she displayed it. She chose the perfect
frame for the print. And the room she decorated is beyond amazing!
She has such an eye for design. So head on over there and check it out!


  1. That is so true! They will look back and see us as their mama. Thank you for posting this because I get all weird about being in pictures sometimes. Ya know making sure I have makeup on and all that. I love that picture of you two! Hope you guys have a great weekend. :)

  2. That is such a great picture of the two of you!! It's so true that us photogs get caught behind the camera way too much. The last few months, though, I have made a big effort to get in front of it more. And I'm so glad I did!! Looking forward to see more of you and your adorable boy!

  3. ya'll are too cute. do you ever do emily anderson's embrace the camera challenges? it's all about getting mommy and kiddos in front of the camera instead of just capturing the moment without ourselves.

  4. the pic of you and your son is priceless;)

  5. So so true. Remember that always and load up his memory book with pictures of his sweet, loving parents!

  6. So true....you have to stop every once and a while and remember what is important in life. Such a sweet pic, Loved being with you all.

  7. I think you look great!!!
    But I get your point...first of all, I am always the one behind the camera, meaning I'm not in at least 99% of our photos (my Mom always complains about that) and second I'd rather not be in the pics most of the time either...even though Leonie keeps telling me how beautiful I am (isn't that the sweetest thing?)! They don't care about the number on our scale!

  8. So sweet Libby! I love the pic of you and Noah! That is precious! I know the feeling of being behind the camera 99% or more of the time. It just happens when you have the big camera and are the photographer. But you are so right, Noah is going to look back and is going to LOVE being in pics with his beautiful Mommy! So sweet!

  9. That is SUCH a precious picture of you & Noah! I totally get what you mean about not wanting to be in pictures, and I'm also making an effort to change that. :) And thanks so much for the sweet comments on the picture of your print! I just love it and so does everyone else. You are welcome to grab that picture & use it if you'd like...thanks again! :)

  10. You need to join embrace the camera to keep you accountable :o)

    And this reminds me to order that print!

  11. I feel the same way I'm always behind the camera and most of the time prefer to be but it is nice to get one every now and then with them!

  12. I love seeing you in front of the camera (though, I am guilty as charged for being behind it, too). Great photo!!


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