October 28, 2010

Mimi & Toy Story

My mom is in town for a couple days this weekend;
it has been so nice spending time with her. Of course,
when she came up to our apartment, she had a
bag full of Toy Story gifts for Noah.

He loves his new Woody & Buzz throw pillow his Mimi
made him for the living room floor. Isn't he sweet?!


Snuggle time with Mimi.


She also got him a pair of Woody and Buzz pj's.
I've never seen him so interested in clothing before.. he just held
it up in front of him and stared for the longest time. It was so cute!

Thank you Mimi for coming to see us this weekend
and for all of the Toy Story fun.



  1. Josephine would be so jealous (if she's able to understand jealousy). : ) She loves, loves, loves Toy Story and has a collection of miscellaneous Toy Story stuff.

  2. That awesome you get to spend time with your mom! I love the pillow. Is he going to be Buzz for Holloween? :) I hope everything is going well. Have a great weekend!

  3. Aww, how cute he is on that pillow!!
    So sweet of your Mom!!!
    I really miss spending time with my Mom...

  4. I was able to see my parents a couple of weeks ago, and my mother and I spent time crafting and talking and laughing together. I love spending time with her. Enjoy your visit with your mom!

  5. Ohh I bet he is excited for Tuesday ehh? are you running to the store to get #3! :)


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