September 22, 2010

And the Winner is...


Congratulations lady! You are the selected
winner of a free photography session with Chriselda!!

Carissa said, "I would like to have a family session done,
hopefully for some great Christmas picture cards!"

And for all of you who didn't win, guess what I have for you?
Chriselda is generously giving each of you a $50 discount
off a session with her!! Isn't she awesome!?

In order to receive this discount, you must:
a. Let Chriselda know you are a Bonjour blog reader.
b. You must book by Friday, October 15th, 2010
{even if you are wanting a Spring session, you must
go ahead and book with her by this date}.

So don't delay in booking your session! She fills up that calender quick!

Thank you Chriselda for a great giveaway!!! It was fun!

Have a great day y'all.



  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!! Woo hoo!! Awesome! I can't believe it!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  2. Wow!! That's so sweet!! Chriselda is an awesome best photography!! =)


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