September 23, 2010

Custom Blog Signature

Today I have an easy tutorial. And guess what!? You don't have to use Photoshop for this one {unless you want to}!

Okay, let's get started.

Click on this link before we move on. You there?

At the very top of the page, there will be a tab that says, Start Now. Click it. You will then click the very first button you see that says, Create Signature. There are several easy steps to follow to create your signature:

1. Enter your Name
2. Choose a font
3. Select the size
4. Choose a color {if you want}
5. Set the slope of your signature

Go ahead and go through each of those steps. I'll wait for ya.

Okay, now you should be at a page where it says at the top, Finished! The signature is ready. There will be three options for you to choose. Click the last one that says, Want to use this signature. Then you want to choose the Generate an HTML code option. Next you will see, Generate a code for my handwritten signature. Click it.

You will now have a code that looks like this:

Copy the code.

Now, let's head on over to blogger so we can put your pretty little signature into your posts.


Click the tab Settings; then click formatting.

Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and you will see Post Template.

Paste the code you created in the box next to Post Template. Click Save Settings. Don't forget that step!

Now you have a pretty new blog signature that will appear each time you write a new post.

Pretty easy, huh?

I need some more tutorial ideas. What would you like to know?


p.s. Promise Noah posts soon!!


  1. You are the best Libby! For REALS!!! Thank you!

  2. BTW, the Hidden Cupcake is the cutest thing EVER! I can't wait for that give-away! lol

  3. This is great! I'm planning on including it in my feature day this week!
    How did you change your font for your post titles? I tried using one tutorial that I found, and I couldn't get it to work.

  4. Wow, thanks so much! Been looking for ways to do this! Yay!

  5. Thanks Libby! I don't know what I'd do without all your help!! I want to know about the title font like Mandy. And, also, how to make text a link (i.e. to link back to your page instead of having to add the actual link afterwards). So excited to use my new signature!!!

  6. You are SO amazing! Just started blogging a little over a week ago, and I love all these tutorials :) I thought that this signature would end up on all my previous posts, but realized it's just on new ones. Thanks again!

  7. Thanks for the very helpful tutorials!


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