May 04, 2009

Nana's Surprise Birthday Party!

This past weekend Josh, Noah and I drove to Oklahoma for my Nana's 80th surprise birthday party.

Poor Einstein wasn't invited to the party, so he had to stay home. I'm sure he didn't mind though. He got to go play with all his friends at Doggy Day Care. We are really going to miss that place when we move. The people who work there love, no, absolutely adore Einstein.

Anyway, we all had such a wonderful time together. It was so nice to spend time with family and see those who we don't get to see often. Nana, I hope you had wonderful surprise birthday party! One of my friends commented on the picture of you blowing your candles out, saying, "she doesn't look 80! She looks around 45-50! She looks so young!" It's so true Nana, you have aged gracefully! We love you! Here are some pictures of the party.

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