May 05, 2009

Einstein's New Beanbag

This morning I had given Noah a bottle and he was laying over by the t.v. I was at the computer talking to Josh on the phone and thought I better check on Noah. And THIS is what I saw!

Einstein, a full thirty pounds, was laying right on top of Noah. Apparently, he had discovered Noah was quite comfortable. I couldn't stop laughing. It was funny because Noah didn't mind at all, he was petting Einstein. What a pair! I'm so glad I had my phone close by to capture this moment.

Well just wanted to take a little break from packing! whew! Packing wears me out!

1 comment:

  1. ROFL! That's so funny. Einstein looks determined to train Noah that he WILL be a lap dog. Can't believe you're already packing, time is going by so fast!


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