July 23, 2011

Little Boy Legs

It's the simple things...


Today I was looking down at Noah's
new shoes, and I realized something...

Noah's legs are beginning to look
more and more like little boy legs.

Where did those chubby legs go?

It was a bittersweet moment for me.
Bittersweet because as much fun as it is
watching him grow, there is a part of me
that wishes he could stay little forever.

Don't grow up too fast little man.



  1. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just hit the "pause" button for a while? My "baby" boy is almost 6... crazy!

    {visiting from The Simple Things}

  2. Enjoy those adorable little boy legs. It was just a year or so ago that I took a look at my little boy's legs and they had turned into man legs. Bittersweet indeed.

  3. Oh man that song makes me cry every single time I hear it!!! Zane is starting to look more and more like a little boy too so I totally know what you mean!

  4. I know exactly what you mean! I see littl things like that with Hailey too.

    Oh and I love Noah's shoes! They're awsome! :)

    Have a great Sunday

  5. How cute! sigh.. I know all too well about that... my son is starting to look like a little boy too... :-(

  6. sniff. sniff. they grow up too fast don't they! thanks so much for linking up this week! :) Rebecca

  7. It is oh so sad how fast kids grow up!! Sweet post.

    Sarah @ Crafting and Creativity

  8. I can totally relate. Time passes much too quickly.

  9. It's definitely bittersweet when they go from pedipeds and robeez to big boy velcro shoes! Sweet post! Thanks for visiting!


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