October 18, 2010

Home Ec Project #4


This post is going to be short and sweet
because I. feel. like. crap. Not sure what blew in
today, but my allergies have been horrrrible!

I present to you
Home Ec Project #4: Reusable Grocery Tote Bag

Isn't it lovely?
I added a pretty little ruffle
to give it an extra girly touch. :)

Fun project!
I'll definitely be making more!

p.s. I apologize for not having "This Week's Recipes"
up yet. I have a bunch of excuses, but I won't bore you
with them. I'll try to get some recipes up tomorrow.

Linked up at:


  1. Sooooo cute!! Seriously, I need one now. ;-) Sorry to hear about your allergies - we've had a hard allergy season too. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. How cute is that?! And you said you didn't know how to sew!

  3. Libby, so sorry you are being attacked by the horrible allergy beast. I have problems with that, too. I love your bag! The ruffle definitely makes it extra special!

  4. SEW adorable!! I love the ruffled goodness, and the fabrics you chose.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. I love this bag so much!! You're going to have to blog a tutorial to show us how you made it :)

    Sorry you're feeling so horrible :(


  6. man, wish i knew how to sew. that is adorable!

  7. It's adorable Libby!! The ruffle is perfect :]

  8. Feel better soon!
    Love the reusable tote! Great fabric you chose! And those extra ruffles are extra sweet!

  9. Love the tote! sending you well wishes!

  10. Oh. my. gosh!! I want on so bad!!! That is adorable!! Wish I was crafty like that, you are awesome!
    Hope you start feeling better soon my dear!

  11. holy cow! i love it:)
    can you teach me how?!

  12. That is so cute! I love the fabric!

  13. Awesome Lib! You are getting SO good!!! Love you

  14. The link showed up on Too Cute Tuesday - so it must just be a glitch in the "title" portion of linky. Love this! Love the ruffle! My son has allergies too - lamespice! But it's raining here, so that's keeping them at bay.

  15. So cute. And me too. The allergies are terrible. hope whatever in the air passes soon

  16. Love your blog!! When I'm not serving my pugs, I'm a craft-a-holic.....It will be great to see your projects!
    Thanks for stopping by to check out Gen & the Foo.....

  17. The ruffle certainly makes it. For sure.

  18. you did an amazing job!! I love the ruffles!

  19. Libby - here I am tagging you with the Happy 101 Blog Award! You can get the image in my current post (copy & paste)! Hope you have fun with it!!

  20. AHh! So cute! I LOVE the colors, the ruffles, EVERYTHING! I hope you feel better ;)

  21. Amazing! Your fabric choices are perfecto. And the ruffle? LOVE it. Keep up the awesome work, and feel better soon!

  22. Oh my goodness! You did a fabulous job, Libby. I <3 it!


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