October 06, 2010

Helloooo Terrible Twos

Temper tantrums-- check
Frequent mood changes-- check
Testing the limits-- oh boy! definitely a check


Helloooo Terrible Twos!
Not sure I'm ready for this.



  1. Wow! He is off the charts MAD! I feel your pain girl! I'm really dreading it myself. Grace is getting the mood swings, temper tantrums, and definitely testing her limits! She screamed at me for the first time in public a couple of weeks ago. I could not believe it because she is usually so well behaved when we are out. We can use each other for support! :)

  2. Awww
    That sounds like our house a little bit, but i know you have it worse. Prayera for you and remember its only a phase and ever y parent goes through it and survives!

  3. I'm sure you'll hear it a lot, but I think THREE is even worse :o)

  4. Jess- thank you for your prayers. We all need them! :)

    Dena- that is what I've heard over and over again. oh gracious me!

  5. Oh no!! I hope you can get through them with most of your sanity. :) that picture probably explains it all. Stay strong mama and give yourself some breaks.

  6. eek! hang on and enjoy the ride:) he won't be 2 forever right? :) :) :)

  7. Is there a such thing called terrible 7 months??? Oh wait.... Its called teething...

  8. Been there - had that! And, those phases just keep coming back! We're in the
    terrible sevens" right now! ugh!

  9. i thought the three's were worse. haha! something to look forward to.

  10. It's a ride isn't it? We haven't had an official tantrum yet - full blown crazy - but we have the testing limits and the fussy and the mood swings. So fun.

  11. Sounds familiar. We have recently graduated into "throw oneself into the floor with hiney up in the hair screaming fits". Good times. With three two year olds in the nursery it often sounds like WWE smack down is going on. But before you know this stage will be passed and on to the next one. Hang in there! :)

  12. Oh fun times! We have had a week ourselves! I'm hoping it was due to teething and not feeling good and not an early onset of the terrible two's!

  13. I think the first part of 2 is not great...then it gets better. I always this the half year marks are worst then the whole year marks. It does get better...3 is not easier, but I think it is a lot more fun in many ways...they understand so much more and really want to do things with you!

  14. Oh my!! I see what I have to look forward too! But, at least the kids are cute, right? It makes it a little bit easier ;-)


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