October 14, 2010

Being a Mommy is Hard

I'm tired. Really tired.

This past week has been a tough one. Toddlerhood has proven to be quite challenging and exhausting. We have definitely, without a doubt, hit the terrible twos, and I am learning how difficult it is being a parent. I've been impatient and raised my voice more than I'd like to admit. I'm learning how important it is to be consistent in discipline, but I struggle with it everyday. I find myself dwelling over these things and not stopping to pray about them. Raising a child is a huge responsibility. I am responsible to teach him right from wrong and to be a good example for him to follow. Responsible to show Noah love, patience, and kindness. Responsible to guide and train him in way he should go. So often I fail at these things and feel inadequate as a mother. I'm learning being a mother is hard work and requires a whole lot of patience. But being a mother is also one of the greatest blessings in life. As hard as it has been lately, I thank God for these hardships and lessons. He is teaching me patience. Oh, is he teaching me patience.

Tomorrow is a new day.

The post "Fueling Moments" {<--- click link to read} by Kelle Hampton of Enjoying the Small Things has so resonated with me this evening. Some days it seems hard to find the fuel. But truly, those "filler" days are full of fuel-- we just have to challenge ourselves to search a little harder for it.

Getting some rest tonight; tomorrow I am gonna find me some fuel.


p.s. Is anyone else having trouble getting their links to change colors?


  1. We lead parallel lives...or have twin sons. Hang in there!

  2. Awww...praying for ya! Have you heard of the conscious discipline methods? My sister used them on her toddlers with great success. I think I have a book...I'll look for it. Fortunately, Ian isn't quite there yet. Hope you got some good rest and are able to have a great weekend! And yes - my links wouldn't change colors, so I had to go back into the template and reset the link color. Don't know if it is the same prob or not.

  3. ugggg...i know, i know. kids(like marriage) hold a mirror up to our sin. and sometimes it's hard to look at because we are so inadequate. luckily, Jesus is bigger than our mess or problems. hooray for that...i'm in need of something greater than myself to get me through the day sometimes!

  4. My son is also into the terrible twos. It is so hard some days to stay composed and not yell when he has been screaming and has thrown himself into the puddle on the floor in a fit of tears over yet another "I want" moment. I just remind myself that he will eventually learn the difference between a want and a need. Deep breathes until then.

  5. I'm so sorry Libby! I can say right now that I have those weeks too. This whole discipline part of parenting is really hard and scary. I have the same feelings you do. I also make plenty of mistakes. I sometimes look back on my day and regret the way I handled something. Whether its raising my voice or not taking the time to listen to what Hailey really needs.

    I love Kelle's Enjoying the Small Things. I too learn a lot from her posts. She is so inspiring and I love her attitude towards life.

    Libby you are in my prayers and I hope things can get better for you! {hugs}


  6. Oh goodness, I can only imagine how hard raising a 2 y/o can be! Bennett is 8 months old and already I'm feeling overwhelmed. So many times I forget to just stop and pray for guidance and patience - thank you for reminding me about those simple graces we are blessed with! You are a fabulous mother, Noah is very lucky to have you.

  7. 2 year olds are tricky little ones. You are on the right path and thank you for posting because I often wonder if I will end the day bald from the challenging day we've had! Keep up the great work friend!

  8. P.S. I totally got sidetracked and didn't finish my comment...just wanted to say that you are awesome and I am sure you are doing an amazing job with Noah even tho it feels so hard! You're such a good Momma and he's lucky to have you!

  9. I know exactly how you are feeling...I know how hard it is to be a Mom! Sometimes I feel the same about failing at all things I should be teaching Leonie and failing at being a good example..it's just sometimes so hard to not loose your mind and calm voice! She is 7 now and really testing her limits! There are the "easy" days and there are the "hard" days! I'm sure you'll have the easy ones again very soon! Just hang in there!

  10. Praying for you girl! I have so much admiration and respect for you awesome mamas

  11. oops...typo!

    LOVED the Blog Libby! and loved the link too! You are a deep, deep well. I'd love to do coffee/lunch/something and talk about prophetic parenting and raising boys. :-) Warmly- mp

  12. Libby its good to hear that we all struggle with this! Parenting is such a challenge and I think its one that never ends! Once we finally figure out what works for Jax I'm sure we will have to change for Lauryn! There are many nights I lay in bed and think "I could have handled that better". Or "if I don't want him to yell at me maybe I shouldn't raise my voice at him." Ughhhhh it can be so frustrating but at the end of the day when my little guy snuggles in my lap I'm ready to try again, be better and remember I love him more than life and its all worth it!


thanks so much for taking the time to comment! when I reply back to you, i usually do so by email. if your email address is not public in blogger, feel free to email me at libbybonjour{at}gmail{dot}com.