September 15, 2010

Photography Giveaway!!

I'm worn out. Whew!
It has been a busy week preparing for
my sister's wedding this weekend.
Lots to get done.

I apologize for my lack of new recipes
the past two weeks. I meant to get a new set
posted for you this week, but it just didn't happen. :(

How about a fabulous giveaway?
Forgive me now?

Meet Chriselda.


I met Chriselda two weeks after Noah was born.
She has captured many sweet, sweet memories for us as
our family photographer over the past two years. Not
only that, she has become a close friend of ours.

We love this girl!
And I know you're gonna love her too!

Chriselda is amazing behind the camera.
Wanna see?


Um, yeah.
I want to be like her when I grow up.

Chriselda is the best. She genuinely cares about her
clients and develops strong friendships with them.

She is one of the most giving people I know;
she's so giving of her time, her energy, and her heart.

And it truly is evident in all she does.

Chriselda, you're fabulous, and I am so grateful
for your friendship and the memories you've given us
over the past two years.

And guess what?

Chriselda is generously giving away a..

FREE Fall or Spring Session!!!
{a $150 value}

Wanna enter? Here's what you gotta do:

1. Click here to check out Chriselda's blog.
Come back and leave in the comments what
kind of session you would choose if you won.

Want extra entries into the giveaway?
{I know you do...}

2. Become a follower of my blog through
Google Friend Connect on the right side of the blog
{it's an easy click of a couple buttons, and yes, anyone can do it}.
Then comment telling me you are a new follower.
If you already are a follower, just comment letting me know.

3. Follow Chriselda on Twitter by clicking here. Then come back
and leave me a comment telling me you are now a follower.

4. Tweet or facebook this:
Win a free photography session via The Bonjour Family
Come back and comment letting me know you linked this giveaway.

5. Like Chriselda Photography on Facebook
and then come back and leave me a comment telling
me you "liked." :)

Five chances to win! Good luck!

Oh, and you have until 7 pm Wednesday, Sept 22nd to enter.


p.s. Here's the fine print for the session:

-Open to anyone in the United States.

-Session is subject to availability. Chriselda books very fast
and only has a handful of sessions left for 2010.

- Must travel to Chriselda for the session.
{Unless Chriselda happens to come to where
you live, and you can work something out with her}.

- Cut off for Christmas portraits is October.

Note: I did not receive monetary compensation for this giveaway. :)


  1. What a great giveaway Libby!!!! We would do a fall family session!!! -Kylie Holt

  2. I am a follower of your too cute blog!!! -Kylie Holt

  3. I "like" Chriselda Photography!!!

  4. can't enter cause i'm in new york! but, BEAUTIFUL photographs!

    giveaway today @

  5. I am not quite sure how to do a link, but I did post on my Facebook wall, and here is my shot at link posting :)....!/profile.php?id=76900208

    -Kylie Holt

  6. And I don't twitter.... darn! -Kylie Holt

  7. If I happened to win a session with Chriselda, I think it would be a Fall session. The likes of the season and the most fun things that bring people out. I would use it as family portrait of my mom, brother, tom, my father that I reunited with and me. Growing up the last session we did of the 3 of us (mom,brother, me) when I was 7. Our lives have changed and I want to recapture that.

  8. I stalk you. :) I love your recipes!

  9. If I won this giveaway I would choose a fall session! It is my favorite season & I would love to capture this moment in time with my loved ones!

  10. I'm already a follower! I found your blog in June through our mutual friend Chelsea Phemister & have been faithfully reading ever since!

  11. I am now following Chriselda on Twitter! Here's a link to mine :)

  12. I tweeted the link to your giveaway!

  13. I "liked" Chriselda on Facebook! Now I'm crossing my fingers!!! Haha!

  14. I would definately do a fall session! I have actually been trying to find a date that I can get some pics done for Christmas and a big family pic for over my couch.

  15. I am already a follower of your blog.

  16. I'm completely ineligible because I can't travel to her, but I do want to comment that I love her photography! So beautiful.

  17. I have been envying Chriselda's skills for a long time, I would love for her to capture Heath's and I's time together during his 2 week leave next year!

  18. I'm already a follower of yours Libby!

  19. I linked this giveaway to Facebook!!!

  20. I like Chriselda Photography on Facebook!!! (And I don't twitter, so I guess I only enter 4 times)

  21. I would love for Chriselda to do my engagement pics!! She took some pics of my kiddos a few years ago and they were amazing!!

  22. Blog stalker.. er I mean blog fan of yours :)

  23. I've already "liked" Chriselda on FB!

  24. I'd do a fall family session, except I'd probably wait until Spring after I've lost some weight, lol! We need to update our famiy photos- our last ones don't have baby Malie in them!

  25. Tweet! I follow both you and Chriselda on Twitter.. Might as well go ahead and tweet about the contest.. I don't have any followers but you though..

  26. I facebooked about the giveaway- you can check it via my FB page :) Will go tweet just for the heck of it!

  27. sad I forgot Twitter acct....I couldnt remember! I LOVE Chriselda Photography! It inspired us and wanted to have our family picture taken VERY special memories!! I havent use computer very much sorry! Only my Iphone.....I will catch up blogs someday! (Did add her FB!)....LOVE THOSE AWESOME PHOTOGRAPHY!!

  28. Love her pictures, I would def do a fall BABY photo shoot with her!

  29. Okay Libby, I think I have done everything to be entered into your awesome giveaway! If I won I would do the family session.
    I am now following Chriselda on Twitter and I like Chriselda Photography on Facebook! :)
    I am now a new follower of your very cute blog!
    I have also told my other friends on facebook about your awesome giveaway!

  30. Hey there!
    If I were to win this great prize, I'd use it for pictures of me and my leading lady. =)

    I'm now a follower of Chriselda on facebook. I posted this link on my fb so that every one of my friends will know about this great give-away!
    I'm following your blog and hope to hear from you soon!

  31. Her photographs are amazing but alas, I can't travel there and don't think she'll be in NH anytime soon. Good luck to that lucky winner though! So pretty!

  32. just checked out chriselda's blog!!! wow. she is amazing! I would LOVE for her to take some pictures of reese when she's six months old!! i may have to contact her even if i dont win the giveaway :) so fun. thanks!

  33. I would love to win a session with Chriselda! I would probably choose a family session or children session!!!

  34. I like Chriselda Photography on facebook!!!

  35. I posted the link for the giveaway on my facebook.

  36. I am now a follower of the bonjour blog!!:)

  37. I am now following Chriselda on twitter!!

  38. If i did win i would do fall sessions with my little family or only girls pictures!

  39. i would do a family session if i won. we are adopting and should have our little girl by february so a spring session would be wonderful!

    im already following chriselda on twitter (username mjg_ajg) and tweeted just now about your post! i also "liked" her on facebook and my name on there is janelle!

  40. oh, and i am now getting updates about your blog!

  41. What a wonderful blog!!! We would love to do a family session -- it has been a long time since we have had family portraits done...

  42. I am already a follower of your blog.

  43. I am following Chriselda on twitter. :-)

  44. I liked Chriselda photography on Facebook.

  45. Would love to do a family session next Spring. Or whenever is a good time for chriselda!

  46. I am a follower of your blog, your recipes look very yummy!

    - Kristen

  47. I am a follower of Chriselda on Twitter

    - Kristen

  48. I have posted the link on FB for other people to enter!

    - Kristen

  49. I have "liked" or loved rather, Chriselda Photography on facebook.

    - Kristen
    PS - by the way this is my darling son on this first picture of this blog. Would love to have his photos taken again by her. She captures the best pictures of him!


  50. Ah, this sure would be nice once Claire makes her arrival!!

  51. Love following your adorable blog! :)

  52. following from home-
    TexasTerp - Marci

  53. if Criselda came to Dallas/FW and I won...I'd soo do a family shoot.... we are 2 years over due and my babies are much bigger now. love your blog libby!

  54. Thanks Libby. I really like her pictures, Facebook. I like the giveaway.

  55. Hey Libby, I would be SO excited if we won the photography giveaway with Chriselda! She's amazing! If we did win I would love to do a family shoot, a great way to welcome little Ethan!

  56. I've liked Chriselda on Facebook :)

  57. I'm now officially following your blog!

  58. Posted the link on facebook :)

  59. I'm following Chriselda on Twitter!

  60. I would like to have a family session done, hopefully for some great Christmas picture cards!

  61. I already follow and LOVE your blog! :)

  62. I am now a follower of Chriselda on Twitter.

  63. I tweeted AND facebooked about your giveaway...what the heck, right?

  64. Would love to do some memorable fall photos with my kids, dogs, husband and my favorite 91 year old great aunt who is precious!

  65. I am now a follower of your sweet blog, I am now a follower of Chriselda on twitter, I already "liked" Chriselda's facebook page. I have posted on facebook and twitter about Chriselda and your give away. I would love a session with my mom and day and fiance, I have not taken pictures with my parents since I was 4 or 5.

  66. I would love to do a family session with Miss Chriselda! Probably a spring session! She's done so many sessions for me before and I would love to do a family one with her.

  67. I posted the link on Facebook for the giveaway.

  68. And I of course love and "like" Chriselda Photography on facebook!!!!!!!

  69. I would love a family photo session!!

  70. I officially became a bonjour four follower!

  71. I am following Chriselda on Twitter!

  72. Do we know who won?

    - Kristen Nemoede


thanks so much for taking the time to comment! when I reply back to you, i usually do so by email. if your email address is not public in blogger, feel free to email me at libbybonjour{at}gmail{dot}com.