October 16, 2010

Vintage Rotary Phones

I love these vintage phones from Anthropologie! Aren't they fun?! These restored telephones from the 50's and 60's have been given a new paint job with bright retro colors and are selling on Anthropologie for only $198.00. Ha. Not too bad for vintage, right? My favorite is the yellow. I loooove it!


Which one would you snatch up if you had an extra $200 lying around?



  1. Yellow all the way! I think we should recommend they do a red one!

  2. yellow! can you imagine??!! We should have kept ours, HA!!

  3. Hey Libby. I've missed commenting on your posts. My laptop decided to quit a little over a week ago and I read blogs on my phone but Im too lazy to comment that way. I'm using my husband's computer, but I don't like to do that either. The laptop was ALL MINE and we didn't have to share! :)
    Anyways, loved the post about the hard mommy days. I've actually had one today. But it's always a stage and I just remember to thank the Lord for the beautiful blessing He has entrusted to me!!
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. I would have to go with orange! Very vintage! Love them!

  5. I'd have to go with yellow too. It would match Katie's "soon to be renovated for Christmas" room.

  6. I love the green one!! $200 is a lot though. I wonder if I could find one at an old antique store for less money... hmm.. :-)

  7. Orange!!! I'm loving orange lately.


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