April 20, 2009

New Kicks

This past weekend Josh and I took a short trip to Houston together. Actually the purpose of the trip was for Josh to take a certification test, but we decided to make a weekend of it. We had so much fun together on our much needed getaway.

We discovered the joys of the outlet mall in Cypress and snagged a lot of good deals. It's definitely one of the best outlet malls we've ever been to, and it may not have been good that I got paid right before we went.

In the New Balance Store, I found something I simply couldn't pass up. Noah now has a new pair of shoes to match his daddy's. We tried them on today (they fit him perfectly), and here are some pictures. So sweet!

Have a great day!


  1. This is TOO CUTE! When we lived in Katy (west of Houston) we went to church right by the outlet malls. They really are great! I am glad you made it back to Noah. Who kept him while you were gone? What certification was Josh getting?

  2. the outlet malls are awesome! Josh got me a coach purse for Christmas but we found a coach outlet there at Cypress and I got one for $100! it was such a good deal! I totally had to have it. ha. We really didn't think we would make it back! they kept delaying our flight. it was so frustrating because i wanted to get back to Noah so bad! Josh's parents watched him for us and Josh was getting his interpreter certification. He already has one- just getting a higher level. it was a great weekend. we had a lot of fun.

  3. His new shoes are precious! I loved Walker's baby shoes. Most of the baby things I have given away, but I think I packed away and kept every single pair of baby tennis shoes we had.


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