November 30, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch

Catch up time again! Just wanted to share a few of my favorite Pumpkin Patch pictures before we get too far into the Christmas season. November just flew by way too fast, didn't it? This year we went to the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound. It's a little bit of a drive for us, but we don't mind. It's the best Pumpkin Patch around-- we love it. We weren't able to make it out there last year, so I'm so glad it worked out were we could go this year. I had hopes of getting a bunch of fun pictures, but Noah kind of had a little 'tude that afternoon, so it didn't go as planned. But that's okay, we still had fun and managed to get a few smiles out of him. :)

November 29, 2011

iPhone Photo Dump


Three words: white chocolate mocha!
Yummy! The first of many this season I'm sure.


Noah and I caught Einstein snoozing on
one of Noah's boots the other afternoon.
Funny pug.


Noah's cute thanksgiving place mat he made at
MDO. I love the things he said he was thankful for. :)

Hehe. I just love this video.
Such a little cutie!


Rented out this beauty for the weekend. Enjoyed using
it, but was disappointed in its ability to take pictures in low
light. It does take some pretty pictures outside though.


Playing Angry Birds on Daddy's iPad.
Our family's newest game addiction.


Ever since Noah baked cookies with Josh one
evening, he has become obsessed with eggs. I've
caught him several times helping himself to an egg
while I'm not looking. I'm thinking those eggs are
gonna need to find a different spot in the fridge. :)


Tired mommy.


Our fifth task for the Happy Day Project was
to "refresh someone." So we took a package
of bottled water to our local fire fighters.
One of the nice firemen let Noah get on the
"big ol' firetruck" and boy did he love it.


Noah got a new haircut! And guess what?!
He didn't cry the entire time. Yayyyyy!
So proud of him!


Looking so grown up!


November 27, 2011

A Very Merry Christmas Q&A

1. egg nog or hot chocolate? hot chocolate

2. does santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? wrapped

3. colored lights on tree/house or white? love the simplicity of white

4. do you hang mistletoe? nope

5. when do you put your decorations up? the itch started mid-november. josh always makes me wait until after thanksgiving though.

6. what is your favorite holiday dish? stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy all mixed together

7. favorite holiday memory as a child? going with my family to look at christmas lights

8. when and how did you learn the truth about santa? what do you mean?!?

9. do you open a gift on christmas eve? yep!

10. how do you decorate your christmas tree? we cover it in white lights and then decorate with all our ornaments we've collected over the years

11. snow! love it or dread it? looove it

12. can you ice skate? haven't ever tried it

13. do you remember your favorite gift? probably when i got my rebel xsi

14. what's the most important thing about the holidays for you? being with my family

15. what is your favorite holiday dessert? i'm not picky :)

16. what is your favorite holiday tradition? the grab box my nana always puts together

17. what tops your tree? a star

18. which do you prefer: giving or receiving? of course it is always fun to receive, but my favorite is giving

19. candy canes: yuck or yum? yummm

20. favorite christmas show? elf! did you see the printable i made?

21. saddest christmas song?
I'm Gettin Nuttin For Christmas by Shirley Temple on Grooveshark

22. what is your favorite christmas song? oh holy night

Join the fun over at irocksowhat.


November 20, 2011

Christmas Freebie

Okay, I'm cheating. I know it's
not Christmas yet, but I just couldn't wait
to share my latest printable with you!

November 18, 2011

The Happy Day Project: Day Four

happy day

Day #4: book for a friend

We are more than halfway through the Happy Day Project!
What a crazy, fast week it's been, but every day has been great.

Day four of the Happy Day Project was to
bless a friend by giving them a book.

to my friend Laura. She and I met two years ago when we
moved to Fort Worth, and we instantly became friends.
She is a person I just click with,
someone I feel safe sharing my heart with.

I'm so thankful God placed her in my life and
brought me such a sweet, loyal friend.

Last night we {finally!} got together and took the
boys to play at Pump It Up. It was the perfect opportunity
to catch up {well, kinda... ha} and for me to give her the book.
I pray each page blesses, uplifts, and encourages her.

I wasn't very good about taking pictures last night
because we were chasing Noah & Ian all over the place,
but I did manage to get one cute one of our busy little boys!


See you tomorrow with day five.
Happy Friday!

*dotted line around my photo borrowed from here.

November 17, 2011

The Happy Day Project: Day Three

happy day

Day #3: appreciate someone who serves


Day three of the Happy Day Project
{really supposed to be day six-- had to switch a few days}
was to take some time to show a little sunshine
to a person who serves others.

For this challenge, we wanted to show our
pastor, Aric, how much we appreciate him for
all he does for our family and for the church.

We bought him some of his favorite candy
as well as a can of his "morning coffee." :)

I had to work a night shift yesterday {boo!},
so I recruited the hubby to take Mr. Noah to
the church to deliver the bag of goodies to Aric.

Noah was excited to tell me all about
how he and Daddy went to the church to
see Pastor Aric and give him the bag.

What a great week it has been so far.
My heart is so full & happy!


November 16, 2011

The Happy Day Project: Day Two

happy day

Day #2: write a note


Our second challenge for the Happy Day Project
was to write a note. A handwritten note.

As much as I ♥ technology and all of its
convenience, there is just something special
about receiving a handwritten letter from
someone when you open up your mailbox.

Yesterday, Noah and I sat down together at our kitchen
table and wrote out letters to my grandmother, Gigi.

In a week or two, she is going to have
back surgery, so I thought this would be the
perfect way to encourage her and bring
some sunshine to her day.

created by HopeInk+ for the Happy Day Project.
She even made a black and white version
for kids to be able to color themselves.

Noah loves to color, so of course, he
was more than happy to color a note for Gigi.


It was funny because out of all the bright
colors Noah could have chosen, he picked the
black crayon to color the front of the card.

But after he was done coloring, the note was
full of bright, happy colors, which I'm pretty
sure will bring a smile to her face.
It did mine!

I'll be back with Day 3 tomorrow!

*dotted line around my photos borrowed from here.

November 14, 2011

The Happy Day Project: Day One

happy day

Day #1: bring a treat to a neighbor


Our little treat for our neighbor included:

{yummmy and so easy to make!}
sparkly purple nailpolish
in a miniature purple tin can

I made the first batch of lollipops and Noah
tasted them to make sure they were satisfactory. :)


Then he decided he'd give it a try
and make a couple. He did so good lining
the Jolly Ranchers up on the baking tray.
{Those chubby little hands are almost
too much for me to handle... so cute!}


We gave the treat to our downstairs neighbor.
Living below us is not always easy, I'm sure.

A toddler + paper thin walls = lots of noise!
And she has been nothing but sweet & patient
enduring all the loud bumps and thumps.

Noah and I had lots of fun this afternoon
spending time together making lollipops and putting
together the treat bucket to give to our neighbor.
She loved it and told us purple was one of her favorite colors.

I thank God for opportunities like these where
Noah can experience the joy of giving to others.

Day Two tomorrow! I'm excited!

*dotted line around my photos borrowed from here.

November 12, 2011

Happy Day Project

Oh, Happiness (Acoustic) by David Crowder Band on Grooveshark


I am so excited to take part in the Happy Day Project!
It has been on my mind 24/7 since I read about it.
Curious what this project is all about? Click here to read.
{We're a week late in doing this, but that's okay!}

I'm filled with JOY just thinking about all the different ways
Noah and I can bring a little sunshine to someones day.

Hope you'll join us this week!


November 10, 2011

Motherhood is a Calling

I pray you find {as I have} encouragement
and as Jami puts it "a kick in the booty" as
you spend some time reading a few of my
favorite posts on Motherhood.


November 08, 2011

iPhone Photo Dump

So the last week or two I haven't
been great about posting iPhone pics.

It's time to play a little catch up
because it's real easy to get behind!


Our perfect little pumpkin!


Kisses from Mommy while waiting
for our lunch at Panera Bread!


About a week before Halloween, Noah got in the
mail the cutest trick-or-treat bag from his Mimi.
Ya'll, my mother is amazingly talented.

She sewed the bag using burlap and then used
stencils and black paint to make a pumpkin
face on one side of the bag and the words
trick-or-treat on the other side.


And she filled it with a bunch of yummy goodies!
Noah loved digging through the bag pulling out
all the fun things Mimi had sent him.


Noah all bundled up and ready to take his
first ride in our new jogging stroller
{which I totaaaally love}.


Noah's first time to clean out a pumpkin!


Helping Daddy carve the pumpkin.
Such a fun night!


A cute little pumpkin Noah painted
at Mother's Day Out.


Sunday naps are the best!


My iPhone was looking pretty pitiful
after I'd accidently dropped it on the
ground and shattered the glass.


Turns out to be the best thing I could have
done because Josh ordered me a white iPhone
replacement cover and put it on all by himself.

{It's a crazy complicated process replacing the screen and
back cover of the iPhone... I don't know how he does it!}

Yay for my smart techy hubs!


Messy little chocolate face!


So the other day at Target Noah and I
somehow ended up in the bra section.
And while we were walking through the aisles,
Noah did something that surprised me, but
I thought it was totally adorable and it brought
a smile to my face each time he did it.

He would pick out a bra and then
he'd walk up to me and say,
"Try the red one Mommy."
"Try the purple one."
He came up to me several times
asking me to try on a specific color.

It was too cute!


Diggin' the checkered shades Noah. :)


Noah in a hat? What a surprise. :)

We got to spend some time with Noah's great
grandmother, Nanny, while she was in town
to watch the Rangers play in the World Series.

We ate some yummy Mexican food and ran a couple
errands with her. We all had a great afternoon together
and we were so happy to have the chance to see her!


Noah giving one of his Veggie Tale customers a trim.

He got the cutest Veggie Tales play dough set
from his great Uncle Rich and Aunt Sherri
{and Madison and Taylor too!} while they
were in town visiting this past weekend.

Thanks ya'll! He totally loves it!


Last weekend Noah and I got spend Saturday with some
of our family from Oklahoma, including my cousin, Brandon,
whom we haven't seen in a very long time. He will be going
to Korea this December, so my Nana planned a little
get together in Fort Worth to surprise him
and spend some time with him before he leaves.

We loved our time with everyone
and had a blast at the Stockyards.
Thank you Nana, Roger, Rich, Sherri, Taylor,
Madison, and Brandon for the fun times!


Uh oh! Somebody got in trouble!

Noah was begging to ride the mechanical bull at
the Stockyards, and the nice guy running the ride
let Mr. Noah sit on it for a couple minutes.
He loved it, and was not a happy
camper when he had to get off.

I could have watched
Nana & Roger
dance all night long.
They're so cute together!
